Fire up the Turbine

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In the Ai dimension, the mermaids were being trained to use their new Mermaid Spartans and with some custom layouts for their controls, they were mastering controlling them and took them out for regular test runs to get everything ready and give options to Eri and Amadeus for loadout switches.

Eri added a heavy water cannon on his shoulder while he is fighting to cover his back. Amadus put in salvo rockets to take out several targets at once but the rockets are smart and can change target when there are none left and she targets them. Some Geodes usually go with them in case they need maintenance or any changes to the controls to continue.

After another run, they came back into the harbor and docked, they came out and Rory was there to see them dock.

Rory: How are they handling?

Eri: Like they are our bodies too.

Amadeus came over.

Amadeus: Like you said, once you get used to piloting it, everything else becomes natural.

Rory: It's good you are getting used to driving these, we don't know when the Sirens will mobilize so we need to be ready.

An AI came to them.

AI: Is there any maintenance needed to the Spartans?

Eri: No, they are working perfectly, we just brought them in to check how are they are going.

AI: All right, head back into the Spartans and we will bring them in to check.

Eri and Amadeus went back into their Spartans and the ships came to pick them up to take them back to AI city. When they got there they went back to the pool and let the Spartans get a check-up. While that was happening Rory went to the Dryads and they were blooming nicely. One of the dryads were helping with the hive while the others were taking care of the plants. Carnivo looked up and saw Rory passing by and she waved her hand to Rory. Rory waved back and took off on her way to patrol.

After thirty minutes, An AI went on everyone's com.

AI: Serpents, the fort is complete.

Rory: Coming in now.

Everyone headed to the new fort, when everyone got there, it was highly advanced with manual setups and can hold everyone.

Rory: It looks nice.

Vile: Wait, what are we going to do with the den?

Mathew: That can be a living space for non-Spartan Members.

Raven: I could see that happening.

V: So here is the Serpent's Den now and our old den is a living space.

Rory: Let's get everything moved in.

Everyone worked together and brought their belongings to The new Serpent's Den while the ones who aren't on the Serpents moved into their old building but not without couples forming like Dakota and Fang for one. After a few hours everyone was in their new homes and the Serpents were learning their new layout. Fang and Dakota were getting to know each other after their run and sleeping together so they decided on living with each other since they were getting so close.

Dakota: Is that everything?

Fang: Our clothes, essentials, bed, everything is here.

Dakota: Sorry I'm so nervous about this move.

Fang: About moving here or moving in together?

Dakota: Mostly about moving in together.

Fang: If you want me to get a room , I can.

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