Coming to Visit

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In the normal dimension, Andre, Aylia, Leslie and their parents were coming to the fort for the first time. The drones they had to fly to business they used to get to the fort. Pure sent other drones to bring them there as well, when they landed, they got out and Pure was there waiting on them.

Pure: Welcome to the Destiny Fort guys, this way.

They followed Pure to the security clearance and they got cleared to enter.

Pure: All right, this is the main hall, everything is in cool down for now but you can meet and talk to anyone you see.

Just then Aylia came out of Leslie partially and was looking around.

Pure: Oh and don't go body jumping Aylia, this is the first time anyone is seeing something like this.

Aylia nodded her head.

Pure: Now, I got some work to do, the drones you have will show you around and I'll be back in a few, the project we are working on is very delicate.

Pure walks to the hologram room, Andre and the others were looking around once Pure got there Seth, Aria, Xiao and some of the AIs there were running tests on the new techno-organic brain.

Pure: How is it looking?

Seth: With how the human brain works, the tech we got from the Serpent, the bio-tech combination you have and the pod room. We are running a real-time test of one in the pod room and it is working like a charm.

Pure: Any hitches?

Aria: Minor ones but a bit of code fixing is solving it.

Xiao: The neurons are firing and sending the right signals so far but this will be a long term test. To test this thoroughly we might need a few weeks.

Pure: When this is finished, you think of transferring to one out of my reactors Seth?

Seth: I've thought about it... but I'm staying where my mind is right now, let's me have a better conversation.

Pure: What about the rest of you guys?

Randal: Yeah, I'm staying too, the bond we have is unbreakable.

Vincent: Also the bets we make are worth it.

Seth: Heh, that too.

Pure: Fine with me.

Meanwhile, Andre saw Rory with her wings on fire and started to talk to her.

Andre: So you are telling me a dragon gem and your engine is causing that.

Rory: Yes.

Andre: Never thought a compact engine would power an AI but seeing one actually supercharged is amazing, how much horsepower do you have?

Rory: Around six thousand, I have to wait for a precise calculation after I got the dragon power.

Andre: Nice.

Leslie was talking to Miku and Aylia was out of Leslie partially.

Miku: I never thought a ghost would be friendly.

Leslie: She is once you get to know her.

Aylia reached out her hand and Miku was scared a little bit but she shook it. Aylia went back into Leslie and she spoke.

Aylia: It's ok, I don't harm anyone.

Miku: How do I know when I'm talking to whom?

Aylia: A small change in our voice, you got to look for it.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now