The Siren's Song

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In the monster's dimension, underwater, both teams were ready to move out but there was something they had to learn first, the reason why the Sirens came to be in the first place.

Mermaid King: You all have done well; you have trained in your moves and the powers and have taken down Sirens that have been nearby the kingdom but it is time you knew the truth of the Sirens.

Han: I have been thinking of that, I heard of the struggles they had from the eastern team while they were crossing the sea.

Mermaid King: One of the members of your team can tell you that answer.

Zane: Who?

Mermaid King: Cove?

Everyone looked at a mage, her full name was Coventina and the berserker on the team was with her.

Cove: It's something I don't like to talk about but... If it is for the sake of knowing what is going on... I better tell you what happened.

Everyone sat down and was listening to the Cove's story.

Cove: A long time ago, the Siren's main base of operations was actually a kingdom, a very nice kingdom and I was a princess.

Everyone was shocked.

Sygard: So what are you doing here?

Cove: Everything was peaceful, my family was a fair but firm and everyone loved that, but for others they thought that was a weakness. One such a sea witch that wanted to have the throne for her own, remember that giant Scylla you all hear about?

Extreme AI: Yes, what about it?

Cove: The Sea Witch somehow got complete control of her and mounted an attack on the kingdom, we were defenseless on handling something that big, even the mages and soldiers we had were not enough to take it on. The witch's magic was too powerful.

Extreme AI: Did you know this giant Scylla?

Cove: All of us did since she was the only one of her kind that big, her name was Ryona and she was the most gentle person you could meet.

Han: OK, back to the story.

Cove: When the Sea Witch made her way to the palace my family drew their last breath fighting except my father who was blocking the way to me but she easily brushed him to the side, she was going to dispose of me but Maverick here blocked the final blow by picking up a sword and blocking it in time.

Cove: When Maverick blocked it, she cursed him with a hellhound curse, as a lesson to others.

One of the Extreme AIs look into a book and found it.

Extreme AI: Hellhound Curse, a forbidden spell that turns the one affected into a monster of uncontrollable rage and very high defense.

Cove: As the curse was talking hold of Maverick, my father said a protection spell with his dying breath to protect me but both the spell and curse got bound together, resulting that the curse would protect me which gave Maverick some control but not all of it. With it, he was able to battle the sea witch to a retreat out of the palace and allowed Maverick to take me to escape.

Cove: We managed to escape with the Hellhound curse and his electrical attacks working together since he is a stingray. For some reason I was immune to all of it and he protected me. After that we lost the Sirens in the caves nearby and she took over the whole kingdom where she now is.

Sygard: But why hasn't she taken over the rest of the sea?

Cove: No idea but when we were in the clear Maverick came to me slowly but I was scared. Maverick stopped and I could hear his breathing. I looked at him closely and I could still see him in there but so was the hellhound curse, it looked like both of them were in agreement. I touched him and the hellhound curse calmed down and allowed him to take back control.

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