Motor Meltdown

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In the AI dimension, the team was coming up on Engine Empire and they were currently under attack.

Rory: That's Engine Empire.

Buster: The place is massive.

Trent: We got Zombie AIs attempting to break in.

Buster: Let's help them out, get the Spartans.

The team went to the Spartans and launched onto the battlefield. The Serpent came on the side and activated its turrets and electrical gun that would fry the bodies. They engaged the zombie horde and eliminated them. The electrical gun works by striking a target and burning out the circuits, if any other bodies were nearby the electricity would jump to the next one and fry it as well. When the horde was completely eliminated Engine Empire opened their doors and allowed the serpent to enter with Vile and Kym. They parked and the Spartans came in. Some AIs gathered, they were different vehicle builds and various engines, decal and grades. The King of Engine Empire came down and he was using a Formula 1 engine. The team got out and came together.

Empire King: Welcome to Engine Empire, we thank you for responding so quickly to our distress call.

Buster: No problem at all, we help when there is trouble.

Just then one of the AIs saw Rory but she didn't have the chip installed in her to speak English.

Empire King: You managed to save one of our own?

Buster: We got lucky; when we shot off the antenna she came to her senses and fought back.

Rory: The program I got from AI city allowed me to come back but the others are...

Empire King: Gone.

Buster: Where are they operating out here?

Empire King: They have several outposts near here.

Buster: Then we better get started.

Empire King: What about you Rory?

Rory: They saved my block so I will go with them.

Empire King: We will give you all upgrades and repair the Serpent to combat those outposts. Rory, since you are going with them you have my authorization for upgrades and modifications of your choice.

Human: You wouldn't happen to have some motorcycle chains around here would you?

Empire King: We do in matter of fact.

Human: I'm going to need the longest you got.

Buster: Why?

Human: I'm going to give Vile's sword an upgrade.

Buster: If you are thinking what I think you are thinking?

Human: Mhm.

Buster: Make it quick, we roll out in thirty.

The human got the biggest motorcycle chain possible, a couple pieces of metal and Vile's sword. He went to the side and was upgrading the sword using the workshop that was nearby to use. Everyone else was receiving repairs, upgrades and maintenance of everyone. Once thirty minutes were up everyone came back together.

Buster: Is everything ready?

Human: Just finished.

The human upgraded Vile's sword to have a chainsaw function that can still work when he sets his sword on fire

Vile: What do I have to do?

Human: Just squeeze the handle.

Vile squeezes the handle and the chainsaw function activated, it revved up and the chain was moving.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now