More than just building

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In the normal dimension, in the forest, everything was going fine; Rai and Rin were learning how to take care of plants with Rose helping them. Li and Kelly was in the orchard keeping things going and collecting any fruits that needed harvesting along with Katelyn. Blossom and Violet were taking it easy as they are supposed to since they are now pregnant. The Dryad Queen comes and goes to check-up on the two of them to see how they were progressing due to time passing between dimensions is different and she still has her kingdom to run.

She wasn't there at that time but Miguel and Raheem picked up where they left off.

Miguel was swinging through the forest with his fishing rod and Raheem using his bee wings with a lot of bees behind him. Both of them saw each other and stopped at a thick branch in a tree.

Raheem: Hey Miguel.

Miguel: Hey man, how are things going?

Raheem: -sighs- A little tough since Violet is now pregnant but it will be all worth it in the end.

Miguel: I hear you, never thought we would get this far but look at us now.

Raheem: Yeah, have children on the way, married, living here, have these tattoos and helping a lot of people.

Miguel: Yeah, have you seen Ivy or Abagail?

Raheem: They are in the fields, helping out Ana and Niki.

Miguel: Ok, to be honest, I can hardly keep track of those two, even though they help a lot, I can not find those two afterwards.

Raheem: Can you blame them, they love being coiled up together, alone.

Miguel: I know what you mean, anyway. I got to take a check on the herbs we are growing.

Raheem: I got to get these bees back to the hives to make more honey.

Miguel: Catch you later.

Raheem and Miguel fist bump and their tattoos glowed. Then both of them took of in their separate directions to do their job, with Rai and Rin, they were learning well on how to take care of plants. Even though Rose doesn't talk she shows them what exactly what to do, they were taking care of the flowers until Rose was finished.

Rin: Thank you Rose.

Rai: This has been an interesting experience.

All three of them packed up and headed back inside, they put the tools away and the twins went to their tree where they were taking care of their own little plants. They had a sunny spot, a nice big pot and a lot of rich soil. They keep checking on their plants and they have been growing nicely every day.

After they cleaned off their arms from the dirt they caught a snack and were talking.

Rai: How is your plant going now?

Rin: Pretty good, yours?

Rai: Same.

Rin: What do you want to do now?

Rai: The twins?

Ana: What about us?

Ana and Niki came up to their tree to talk.

Niki: ¿De qué estás hablando? (What about us you are talking about?)

Rai: Sobre, queriendo empezar algo contigo. (About, wanting to start something with you. )

Niki: Que? (What?)

Ana: Yeah, why do you want to start something with us?

Rai and Rin look at each other.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now