Mellow stabilization

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At the fort the next day, everyone was busy with different things like the construction, emergencies or help where needed. Chun and Ming always stay with the kids and they don't mind them at all, usually they stay in the play area so that everyone knows where they are and know they are protected. Jennifer was there too sitting down and watching them. Tanya is always there taking care of them with two of the wolves.

Jennifer: It's always nice seeing children play together.

Tanya: Yeah, even my little Charles.

Jennifer: Does he go to school?

Tanya: Not at the moment, I don't want to split him up from the rest, so I'm letting him go to school with the rest when it is built so I home-school him.

They see Charles playing with Isabella, Lucifer stopped by and was helping with the construction outside with Pure.

Jennifer: I'm still getting over the fact the lord of the underworld has a kid, what made him change his mind?

Tanya: Pure did, after what he went through.

Jennifer: I can only imagine.

Tanya: What about you, how is your stabilization?

Jennifer: Ever since that last stabilization I got, I have been able to get used to handling myself like this but I can't come out yet until we figure out a way to let me not cut through stuff.

Tanya: What about the others?

Jennifer: Their stabilization is easier since they still have most of their body intact, mine, not so much.

Tanya: So what are you going to do after you get out of that?

Jennifer: Don't know, I still have to get used to this completely.

Tanya: Well, hopefully you can find something to do.

Jennifer: Yeah, me too.

Tanya and Jennifer continue watching the children and making sure they were happy, with Ashley, she went outside and went to Pure who was doing some metalwork. Ashley tapped his shoulder which stopped him.

Pure: Yeah Ashley, what is it?

Ashley: I got the families and all of the wavers sorted out.

Pure: That's good, where did you take the money out of?

Ashley: Gram's offshore bank accounts. Think he could get away after what he did scot-free but not after what he did. Getting anything from the quad-max?

Pure: He is in solitary for now, didn't get any complaints yet but Valatine is keeping an eye on things.

Ashley: And about our merger?

Pure: I am alright with it; we work together and make sure everything is peaceful.

Ashley: And if anything gets out of hand?

Pure: We take care of it together.

Pure sees Ashley needs to let out some steam.

Pure: Want to let off some steam?

Ashley: How?

Pure: Come with me.

Ashley followed Pure into a concrete room with foam in it.

Pure: This room needs the foam dug out of it for electrical and plumbing.

Ashley: So, how do you do that?

Pure goes into his bag and grabs a crowbar and big sledgehammer.

Pure: You need something to hit.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now