Full Stabilization.

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In the normal dimension , at the fort, Carmen, Eli, Jasper, Jennifer and Ashley were reaching full stability of their bodies every day. There was one final vial of stabilizers left for them to take in before they were fully in control. Once they took them they were fully stabilized but there was one more thing to do for Jennifer.

Xiao: Ok, we did some modifications and added a Nanite mix to your slime that would make a kind of shell to let you walk around like normal since we don't want to harm your new chemistry.

Daiyu: Like the others they are air-gapped and you have control over them.

Pure: You can also turn down your acidity but the your shell will be completely neutralized to do things.

Jennifer: What about clothing?

Xiao: One thing at a time, for now you can shape your clothing with your extra slime that you have. Also, the nanites can adjust your transparency so you won't be see-through.

Ashley: You ready mom?

Jennifer: I'm ready.

Jennifer stood up and thought of some clothes she should wear. She put on a shirt and a jeans pants that the slime came up and covered her. She got control of the nanites and turned down her transparency so that you couldn't see her core, which was in her chest. Pure undid the top and used his tail to grab her and take her out. Since she has the shell to keep her acidity in it wasn't burning him.

Pure set her down and looked at everyone. Pure then took out the extra slime she had since that is also connected to her. When he set it down it became a big ball of slime behind her. She felt it and it was following behind her. Ashley went to Jennifer and they hugged and started to cry.

Xiao came to them.

Xiao: It will take some time to get you back to full functionality.

Jennifer: -sniffs- It's a start.

Daiyu: With the others, we got Eli's muscle mass correct, Jasper's dark matter under control so he could master it, Jennifer stopped phasing and Claire is like Younghee and Madeline so she can come out of the water and not dry out.

Pure: Akiko and Rosalina still have to gain control of the power inside them now but they are adjusting.

Alisha: Akiko's brother?

Pure: In the forest, says he doesn't want to come to his sister because of what she did.

Carolina: But it wasn't her fault.

Pure: He thinks some of the blame is hers, ever since their parents treat her so badly.

Seth: What are you going to do?

Pure: Let's keep them separated for now, how is everything else coming?

Gear: We are in the final days of construction here

Mima: The team on Mars is thriving well along with the Fox Spirits, everyone on earth is living in peace and there have been less emergencies due our help and maintenance of everything.

Pure: All the rates?

Seth: Crime, unemployment, everything is going down.

Pure: Let's get contact from the other dimensions.

Seth fired up the portal and got the signals.

Nick: Monster dimension reporting in.

Rory: AI dimension reporting in.

Roel: How is everything going over there?

Nick: Crime is going down, we collected most of the ones from the Bounty Hunter list you gave us. Everyone is calming down and different species are talking to each other.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora