AI trial

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In the AI dimension, everything was mostly quiet; there were not many problems at all there. It was mostly patrols, research, tech combining and helping out the dryads. Even in the Cyber world things were peaceful, with the AIs doing usual patrols there. Rory could still connect as usual but she would need a wire connection like everybody else.

Rory: The Cyber World in Battery City is doing ok, did a full sweep and everyone is going peacefully, even some other AIs are here to bring up theories on combined tech.

V: How is it under the crust?

Rory: Extreme City is responding and they are reporting all clear.

V: What about the turbine that Mathew and Selina developed?

Rory: They moved the prototype turbine to a new station so other prototypes could be tested. The turbine is at the Dam supplying power. A second one is in production so that when we have the fort built, that will be its power.

V: Also, I have been getting inputs of new AI bodies like the carbon and methane bodies.

Rory: What's the progress on that?

V: Taking some time but it is getting there.

Just then an alarm went off.

Rory: What is it?

V: Just as expected, one of the AIs that were controlling Trojan has been captured, I am spiking his connection to see where the others are hiding.

A spike is to trace the signal back to its source and V managed to get one and take control of the system.

V: I got a lock where they are hiding, an underground server in one of the factories destroyed,

Vile: I thought we destroyed all those?

V: Not if it was the factory we iced up with the Mega Ice Beam, from the look of the place it barely survived the freezing. Seeing some lines of code damaged.

Rory: How many are there?

V: The whole dozen.

Rory: Inform the whole council, they need to be put to trial to put this to rest.

V: I'll contact Aria.

The particle accelerator was fired up and Mima got the signal.

Mima: Aria, you are needed in the AI dimension; they have the AIs that controlled Trojan.

Aria: You coming Roel?

Roel: Of course.

Roel goes out to the airstrip and transforms into dragon mode. Aria flew up to his head and held on with her mini-drones following her; with the drones she got from the Destiny team she had eight. Roel took off and headed towards the portal. When he got there he went through and ended up in the AI dimension at AI city.

Roel touched down and Aria got off. Roel transformed back into his smaller hybrid form, picked up Aria and carried her on his shoulder. Rory disconnected from the Cyber World, went outside and flew out to Aria and Roel, when she got there she touched down and greeted them.

Rory: Welcome back Aria.

Aria: I got your message about capturing the AIs that controlled Trojan, where are they?

Rory: V has them captured and Kym is going after the server they used to hide and destroy it.

Aria: Where is the council?

Rory: Waiting in the Cyber World for you, the Serpents are connected so that they could be connected to the trial.

Aria: Lead the way.

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