Checking the deck

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Back in the normal dimension, five days later, Pure, Chun and Ming were playing with Pure's children; he was waiting on the next emergency after dealing with all Exo-suits and equipment of everyone. Pure had his armor and coat off. Both of them were sitting down on in Chun and Ming's fur while Pure was reading them a story. He was reading to them until he got something from Matchstick over the com.

Matchstick: Pure, Julia wants to see you, she just got off the phone with me and she wants to give you something and turn herself in to you.

Pure: Where is she?

Matchstick: She said she is in South Korea.

Pure: Heading there now.

Matchstick: Better take a vehicle, the rest of the deck will be after her for coming to you.

Pure: Roger that.

Pure gets up and puts Pure Jr. on Chun and Auriella on Ming. They were in fox Spirit form and were behind their heads. All three of them went to the garage where all their vehicles are stored. Pure went to Thunder and he started it up. He came out of the garage; Chun and Ming were at the side watching their dad take off. Pure revved up the engine in which Pure Jr. loved doing that, Pure heated up the tires and got ready to launch, this time he would open a portal to South Korea. Pure gunned it and headed out; he opened the portal and jumped through. He ended up on a highway, he reduced to normal speed. He got a message from Matchstick saying she is under the bridge near the stock exchange. He got off the highway and headed there, he saw two black jeeps trail behind him when he got close to the stock exchange and saw them.

Pure: Here we go.

Pure put his hand on the shifter and was making sure they were following him, once he made sure, he gunned it and lost them easily. He was looking around for her until another car came behind him but it wasn't anyone he recognize, he then got a call on his satellite phone.

Pure: Hello?

Voice: Follow the car behind you to me.

The call ended and the car behind him came in front of him and he followed it. Both of them stopped at a building, Pure got out and set Thunder to drive a random route till Pure got back and lose any suspicious vehicles.

They went inside and down to the basement, there Julia was heavily guarded.

Pure: Julia Petrova I presume?

Julia: You presume correct.

Pure: Why did you call me here, you could have just handed yourself over anyway.

Julia: Because this is important to you and me, they threatened to hurt my family and my little girls if I didn't accept.

Pure: Where are they now?

Julia: Split up and no one can find them; I am offering my surrender and information if you give up on the death penalty.

Pure: And how do I know you aren't pulling one on me?

Julia turned to the bodyguards.

Julia: Leave us, keep them distracted.

The bodyguards and the other woman left.

Julia: Handcuffs.

Pure hands her a set of handcuffs and she puts them on.

Julia: Convinced you now?

Pure: One more thing.

Pure opens a portal.

Pure: Ladies first.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now