How to Handle the Muscle

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In the normal dimension, Lisa was busy learning and working on her car. Steam pulled an all-nighter to make a lightweight frame and study how to build a new, powerful engine, everything from the crankshaft, pistons even the block itself with the transmission. With her blacksmithing and learning how each part works, Steam was able to build a prototype for Pure to test before she got some sleep.

Pure: Ok, Steam built everything before heading to bed and everything has connected correctly, now to test it.

Pure had the engine on a Dyno to test it. Once he fired it up it was loud and powerful with all the parts working together. When he ran the full Dyno it was barking with two thousand horsepower and she still had it with mostly stock customization.

Pure: Yikes, with Steam's custom work and proper hand-made parts.

Seth: I didn't think she would build this that powerful.

Pure: What were you looking for?

Seth: A thousand tops, what kind of mix did she use.

Pure checked Steam's notes.

Pure: An alloy mix of aluminum, titanium and a little bit of steel to hold everything together.

Seth: Omega-grade?

Pure: Only the steel is Omega-grade to prevent anything.

Seth: How many gears did she build?

Pure: From the look of it, four gears, she wanted to kick it into five but Lisa said four is enough to punch it down the track.

Randal: This thing is going to have to be light but powerful to get down half-mile in six seconds.

Pure: Lisa strapped on an EFI to the system to get the correct output but we need to get it the correct timing to get it out the door.

Vincent: Aren't you that person?

Pure: If she wants to get down the road, that fast we need a professional opinion.

Randal: There aren't much people who mess with muscle engines this time around; they would stick with tuners to get that power.

Vincent: So who would you call for getting the power right?

Pure: Seth, fire up the portal, let's see if Engine Empire can help.

Seth fired up the portal and contacted Rev.

Rev: This is Rev of Engine Empire speaking.

Pure: Rev, do you happen to have any measurements for the maximum power for a muscle engine?

Rev: What kind of engine we are talking here?

Pure: It's a new custom one, it's firing everything well but since you guys have been working on these way more than we have.

Rev: I'll have to send someone through to work on the engine with you.

Pure: All right.

Rev sent an Engine AI through and a drone picked him up to take him to the fort. When it got there Seth directed it to Pure's workshop.

Pure: Thanks for coming on short notice.

Engine AI: No problem, where is the engine?

Pure: Right there it has an EFI installed so we can make sure everything fires right.

Engine AI: Where do I plug into it?

An EFI is the system that controls the fuel intake so that Lisa can get more power with less gas without risking anything breaking. The AI plugged in and also connected the Engine Control Unit to check that out too which controls everything else in the car.

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