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Back in the normal dimension Pure was going across the ocean on his custom Harley Davidson by using the flames coming from it to get the propulsion to get across the water with the scientist in his tails. Once he got to the fort he did a small jump on the bike which made him hop up on the harbor, he drove to the main hall where Seth and Victoria was and Victoria was still downloading Reese into her. Pure pulled up to the side and turned off the bike.

Pure: How is everything?

Seth: In check and the prisoners in Texas are being transported under the protection of the caterpillars.

Pure: How is Reese?

Seth: Almost finished.

Victoria: Pure, are you going to build him a body?

Pure: If he likes you it is best to build a body with a reactor so that you two can be able to be close.

Seth: Download is done.

Victoria unplugs and Reese was fully downloaded into her.

Victoria: Reese?

Reese: I'm here, can I start optimizing you now?

Victoria: Go ahead.

Reese: Don't worry, I won't touch anything important.

Pure: Let's head to the pod room and build Reese a body.

Pure and Victoria head to the pod room after Pure dropped off Dr. Burrows at interrogation, Pure plugs into the pod room to build a body.

Pure: I'm using Reese's old body structure and modifying it to suit. I'm also putting the reactor as his power source so he doesn't have to worry about recharging but what color would you like Reese?

Reese: Let Victoria decide.

Victoria: I want a light green.

Pure sets the commands and starts building Reese's new body. Meanwhile, Victoria went to her room where she sat down and she could see Reese.

Victoria: So, how are you doing on optimizing me?

Reese: Still working on that, Seth gave me some details on how the interface works with you and how to keep you stable.

Victoria: This feels weird having someone in my head.

Reese: Well, this feels weird not in control or the driver's seat as your expression goes so we are in the same circuit.

Victoria: So, what do you want to do while your body is being rebuilt?

Reese: You can teach me a couple of things about humans and what I can do now that I will be partly human.

Victoria: Well, you would need to eat and drink like us to keep up with your energy.

Reese: I thought that is what the reactor is for?

Victoria: Some human attributes still remain and you can experience some things when your body is ready.

Reese: Well, I just finished optimizing you, how do you feel.

Victoria: Actually, a lot better, thanks for that.

Reese: No problem.

Victoria: You know, if you wanted to operate from my reactors you could have just asked.

Reese: Then I wouldn't be able to prove myself to you.

Victoria: -laughs- you could have proven yourself to me another way you know?

Reese: How?

Victoria: A few ideas but that is in the past now, you are in my systems helping me and that is that.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now