Triple Love Jackpot

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It was the day of the wedding and everyone was ready to go, everyone dressed formal or their equipment since it was an honorable day. They used Trinity's train to get to the wedding while the brides were split up with an escort using the drones. Everyone that came for the wedding was well accommodated and brought up to speed to know who else was getting married.

Liz went ahead of everyone to meet up with Blossom and Violet who were at a different location in the forest from the grooms.

The drone came into a very low hover where Blossom and Violet were in their wedding dresses that Arachnid made and they modified, they were at one of Violet's hives and they were putting on the finishing touches. Liz went into a glide and saw Blossom and Violet. Rose was there too as a bridesmaid as well.

Liz: Hey girls, everything ready?

Blossom: We just have to wait for the rest of the guests to come and everyone is settled. Pure-Senpai has the reception afterwards.

Violet points to a seat and Liz sits down, the bees come and start to put little honeycombs in her hair and Rose put some flowers in her hair. A few minutes later Alisha and Carolina came gliding in.

Alisha: All right girls, everyone is here and getting settled, Pure and the others are sorting out the catering.

Liz: You know it feels like only yesterday that Daiyu and I started or relationship, now we are getting married.

Alisha: I know I felt the same way when we married Pure and now, we are happily married and have kids.

Blossom: All three of us want to bear children.

Carolina: You got the vial Liz?

Liz: It's in my bag at Pure's house; he is giving me the keys when we are leaving for our honeymoon.

Alisha: Did you pack the good stuff?

Liz: Oh yeah.

Meanwhile outside the forest, everyone was bringing in the food, drinks and utensils, Kyla and Sayuri were inside doing out the tables using tree roots. Even Fadime, Hakan, the ministers and invited guests were there for the wedding.

Pure: Food here, drinks here, put the utensils at the beginning with different sizes.

Horatio: Got the seats and sitting order being sorted.

Marshal: You got the perches for the harpies?

Sayuri: Setting them up now.

Maria: I'm going to check on the grooms.

Maria heads up to Miguel and Blossom's tree and goes inside.

Maria: Hey you three, everything ok?

Miguel: Just nervous.

Miguel had on a green tuxedo with a similar root pattern on it, Raheem had on a yellow tuxedo with honeycombs on it and Daiyu had on a normal black tuxedo.

Raheem: I can relate, it's been four years now.

Daiyu: The year is up on the alliance and everything is moving forward, every single earth is at peace and now we are getting married to the ones we love.

Maria: You three are not getting cold feet now are you?

Miguel: Hell no mom.

Raheem: No way I am abandoning my queen.

Daiyu: Liz and I have been working up to this moment and both of us don't want to miss it.

Maria: Good, a lot of people have turned out for this.

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