13 (New chapter)

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About a month had passed since Killmongers reign. I hit 13 weeks on a Monday morning. These days I stayed in bed a lot longer than I usually did. I rolled onto my side and watched T'Challa sleep heavily. He'd taken on a lot of responsibility these past few weeks as well. He finally decided to reveal Wakanda to the world, which would be a slow and gradual process over the next few years. He knew he wanted to ensure Wakanda's safety even during exposure. I hadn't expected him to do such a thing but with the way his cousin moved him, it explained everything. The elders were  in uproar but with time they settled with the idea after GREAT convincing from me. It wasn't about what you did in the elders presence, it was how you said it. T wasn't always the best when it came to explaining his ideas to them. He felt he shouldn't have to because he's the King. While he had a point in that regard, the elders still mattered. Their feelings were taken into account, which is why opening Wakanda didn't necessarily mean filling it up with outsiders. It would be more of a source of help for awhile. T'Challa didn't explain that- I did.

My brother had come to see me after being denied access into the country during Killmonger's reign. He was frantic but I assured him I was fine. He seemed more surprised to see my growing belly. He was absolutely elated for me. His wife and my niece came along too. Lily was nearing one years old which was something to be proud about. She gravitated towards my belly like a magnet as if she knew he cousin was in there. I cried like a baby when he went back to Cai which I attributed to my hormones.

T'Challa stirred awake and pushed his face into the pillow before he opened one eye at me.  My face stayed unmoving, as I stared back at him.

" I swear sometimes I have to look at you slowly. Looking at you is like realizing at the last second that you've been watched by a big giant leopard. Too late before you realize ", he chuckled.

" I scared you ", I chuckled.

" Just a little bit. Your eyes are piercing . You're like a cat or something " he rasped.

" Says the cat ", I quipped.

That's what we did every morning now, just look at one another until he'd slowly side his hands over to my stomach and feel it. And when he felt it this time there almost seemed to be a change over night. My belly was now round. I had a small bump that was very noticeable even under my coats. The elders were touching it NON STOP. I didn't mind considering that I knew them but it was still a little strange how we'd be mid convo and they'd just touch my belly.

" Getting big now Entle. Finally ", he sighed, lightly rubbing his hand back and forth across my stomach.

" Is that what you were hoping for ? For me to be big and swollen ? ", I chuckled.

" Big is better here in Wakanda . But I could have told you that ", he snorted.

" How could I forget ", I mumbled nostalgically smiling at the thought. Seconds pass as he watched my smile come and go.

" I miss you ", he whispered.

" I'm right here ", I rasped in confusion matching his tone.

" I know ", he said pulls me closer to him. Now we were stomach to stomach and almost chest to chest. He pressed his hand against my cheek.

" I really think it would be good for you to get back into this counseling thing ", he suggested.

" Yeah. I just need a little more time. That's all. I'm just trying to process -", he cuts me off.

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