Chapter LXXI: Possession. (Part I)

Start from the beginning

"The entire week?" Minerva raised her eyebrows with interest. "Yup. The whole week." 

"Alright. Let's get this show on a roll, princess." Clementine gave Violet a shit eating grin and tossed the ball to her. "I hope your good, orange or else you're gonna choke on your own salt." 



That was the only thing they could feel. Not anger, not happiness, not sadness. Just sweat. They'd been playing for two hours and still, nobody won. Five o'clock on the dot, sweaty bodies, still at school and half dead. What more could they ask for in life? 

Clementine's team called for a time out for the first time in two hours. "Why can't we just share the gym?" Louis asked, wiping his face off with the bottom of his muscle tank top. "Because, it's complete possession or no possession. Who the hell likes to share?" Violet scoffed, also out of breath. She pushed her hair out of her face to put it in a ponytail, glancing at Clem, not noticing she began to stare as well as the brunette did. 

Clementine admired her slightly toned body, her extremely sharp jawline, she loved the way her ponytail looked, the color of her eyes, how confident she was for no reason whatsoever... She could write a book about her and she doesn't even know her last name. Trust and believe, Violet felt the same way, but she never said anything. 

Clementine jumped up from the bench and took a deep breath before drenching herself with a cold bottle of water. It caught Violet off guard and made her stare even harder. 

"Jesus, Vi. Can you get any gayer?" Louis chuckled, patting her on the shoulder. "I was about to ask the same question," Clem added in with a sly smirk. "You were staring too missy. I saw you." Louis turned his head to her throwing her a wink and a secret thumbs up. 

"I was not." Clementine defended herself a bit too quickly, sounding guilty as she did so. Marlon gave her a "Come on now" look and put his hands on his hips. "I wasn't!" 

"Yeah? And I'm definitely not into Sophie at all." Louis rolled his eyes playfully. A bold move on his part. And in return, Minerva gave him a glare that sent shivers down his spine. 

"You're not too bad yourself." Sophie seemed chill about it, sending Louis into a cocky party. "How about we get to know each other then?" The dreaded boy offered, an adorable grin shooing his fear of rejection away. "How about now?" Sophie wanted to waste zero time. 

"I mean, we're all sweaty, but, hell yeah. Burgers and Milkshakes?"

"Sounds great."

"Oh, and sorry... I'm a cliche." Louis threw a wink before grabbing his gym bag. Sophie let out a small chuckle. She turned her head to Minerva to see her giving her the death stare. "Aw, come on big sis, loosen up." Sophie patted her on the shoulder, walking past her to get her own gym bag. 

"Uh, shit. It's um, late... I promised Brody I would meet her to help her with her project. Rain check?" Marlon nervously chuckled, grabbing his bag with his phone in his hand, texting away. "Don't worry about it, rat boy." Violet shrugged her shoulders.

"Uh, Louis... Can you give me a ride home? You... know the situation with my car..." Marlon looked up from his phone, hoping that Louis wouldn't begin to procrastinate. 

Louis let out a long, agitated groan remembering that he'd forgotten all about Marlon. "I can take you. Since Sophie is going on a... date... with princess over here."

"Ummm... How are you all leaving at the same time??" Clementine frowned her face as she took in the coincidence. "Because we have lives?" Minerva gave her a "duh" kind of look. "Okay, so who's gonna drive me home?" Clem placed her hands on her hips in annoyance, furrowing her eyebrows as aggressively as possible. "I'll give you a ride..?" Violet hesitantly spoke up. "... Only if you want me to... I don't mind." Violet became more confident in her offer as she spoke. 

Their plan was starting to work. Louis gave Marlon a look that screamed: "I told you so." 

"If you're okay with that... I'd- um- I'd appreciate it." Clem cleared her throat, trying to seem as tranquil as possible. "Alright... get ready. We're leaving in five."

Clementine liked how demanding she sounded, on and off the court, but of course, that made her want to challenge her. "No, we're leaving in ten. I have shit to do." 

"Alright, we'll see you guys later!" Louis gave a quick smile before pushing the others out of the door to leave the two in the open space alone. 

"Clementine, don't. I know exactly what you're doing."

"Well, what kind of person would I be if I let you call the shots all the time?"

"Um, a respectful young lady??"

"Nope. Doesn't sound like me at all." Clementine shrugged her shoulders. She already knew that Violet wouldn't leave her. She not that much of an asshole. 

Violet decided to stay silent before she got too aggressive with her words. She knew that was exactly what Clem wanted from her and didn't give it to her. 

Clementine noticed this and looked over at her, noting the undeniable urge that Violet had to just grip her up. It wouldn't be the first time Vi did something like that anyways. Clem just wanted to experience it first hand. 

"Oh, so we're doing this on my time?" Clem chuckled, grabbing her bag and tossing it over her shoulder. Violet's face became red at this point. Boy, she was mad. "Clementine. Are you ready to go or not? Easy question. Easy answer."

"Hm, No. I said ten minutes, so you're just gonna have to wait until I'm ready." Clem sat back down on the bench and proceeded to lay down afterward.

 "You wanna play this game?" 


"Say no more."

"No more will be said."


uhhhhh 1620 words. Part II? Or is this shit? Idk. Just... tell me how you feel about it. Enjoy. 

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