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Hey guys!!!! So first, I want to thank you guys for supporting this book. I want to thank you to all of your votes! It really cheered me up during hard times... which I will not say.

And this book really helped me to get my confidence when writing one.

Sorry if I couldn't make parts of this book better, and thank you for continuing on reading and voting this story.

Someone actually asked if I'll do another Jeongmin fanfic in the future. Well, the answer to that still isn't clear. If the viewers would like it, I'd definitely do it for their sake. I could even do a Book 2 on this. But right now, I'm just out of inspiration, and I usually get those from watching Jeongmin videos on youtube.

So I said a lot of things, and I hope you guys understand. I can in the future, but I can't right now. I actually have two books I'm working on and I am going to publish one later on.

Look forward to it! It's a Special Fanfic.

I hope you guys can continue to support my next books.

And again, Thank you so much for the honor of receiving a good feedback for this book.

Love ya guys~
Jeon Cheongri~~~😘

Oh and P.S, if you have some spare time, click on the follow button so you could get notified when I publish new books.

And feel free to comment on them...😇

Just some moments of Shameless Promotions... ^^

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