Seven : Drunken Kiss

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Chapter Seven

"Yeah! Party!!" Sungwoon oppa and Jimin shouted as the DJ turned on a funky dance tune.

"Jeongyeon-ahh! Come on!" Daniel called me, one of Sungwoon oppa's fellow members.

I rolled my eyes.

Well, I guess it'll be fun.

I stood up and felt the beat. A few minutes later I was dancing like a crazy hotdog.

Jaehwan oppa brought drinks over since he was friends with the owner of the hotel.

"You know you could've just went to another hotel right?" He said with an embarrassed tune.

We laughed it off. Daniel passed me a glass of some kind of clear colored wine.

The taste lingered around my taste buds after drinking it bottoms up. My senses started to numb as I got dizzy.

Jimin's POV

I looked over to the side to see Jeongyeon, but she wasn't there. I started looking for her cause I was a bit worried.

I went over to Jongin and asked if he saw her.

"Oh. I think I saw her partying with the Wanna One guys. And she was partying like crazy dude." He laughed.

His sentence just made me even more worried. The Wanna One members are kind of wild once they got drunk.

After minutes of looking, I finally found her. She was in the middle of dancing with the Wanna One members. She was also chugging down everything the boys were handing to her. From Champagne to.......Vodka?!!

I hurried over to her. She was already wiggling down her senses.

"Yah. What happened?" I asked the drunk Daniel who just flashed a grin at me.

"She drank a whole glass of Vodka, probably thinking it was water." Jihoon stated whilst holding her hand.

I stared at his hand intertwined with hers. I slapped his hand off hers and grabbed Jeongyeon's arms.

"Help me." I said to Jihoon in a stern way. I removed my jacket and temporarily handed Jeongyeon to Jihoon.

I tied my Jacket on to Jeongyeon's waist and quickly grabbed her arm and swang it over my shoulder after kneeling down.

Jeongyeon's arms slung around my shoulders and her face was buried into the right side of my neck, making me feel a bit ticklish.

I walked over to Sungwoon and told him about the situation.

"Oh. Okay. Bye~ be careful on the way home okay?"

"Thanks. Happy Birthday again!" I flashed a smile before taking Jeongyeon's purse from the bartender.

"Aish." She mumbled with her face still buried in my neck.

"You smell nice." I whispered under my breath after smelling a whiff of her perfume.

Ugh! What am I saying?!

"Yah. Get your face away from my neck." I said as I tried shaking her head.

She mumbles something again.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"I said I think you're cute!" She shouted the 'I said I' part.

"Mwore." I felt my cheeks turning hot.

"Oh. You're blushing." She snickered and touched my cheeks.

I encountered a bench and made her sat down.

"You're really drunk."

"Hehe. I guess so." She grinned. She had red tinted cheeks and her eyes were half open. She laid down the bench after saying that. Making my life harder as it is.

"Get up." I ordered sternly with both my hands on my hips.

People were looking at us. I looked through her purse to see if there were some masks, and surprisingly, there were two.

I wore the larger one and wore the sunglasses she brought.

Who would've thought she thought this through.

"Yah. Wear this." I handed her the other mask.

"I don't want to." She shook her head.

I cupped her cheeks with both my hands and tried to make her wear the mask, when she suddenly pulled my mask down and pressed her lips against mine.

End of Chapter
Hope you enjoy!
Pls. Keep voting and stay tuned for the next update~


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