29 : No

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Taehyung's POV

I was busy having my beauty snack when a phone call stopped me from doing so. I lamely picked the phone up and put it on speaker as I got a chicken drumstick.

"Hello? Is this Kim Taehyung's phone?" A girl with a freakishly familiar voice asked. It sort of made me go goosebumps.

"Ne? Nuguseyo?" I asked, biting on the crispy skin of the chicken, my lips stinging a bit after Jungkook and my little fight a few days ago.

"Yerim-ie." She straightly answered.

It made me almost drop my precious drumstick. Almost. Tee-hee.

"Red Velvet Yeri?? The one who I always teased when I have no one to do so, Yeri??" I freaked out with the drumstick in my mouth.

"Yeah. Aish. Why does every single one of you ask if I was 'Highschool Yeri so so'"she quoted in a weird nerve catching tone. "Anyway I'm having a reunion party for our batchmates so come." She continued.

I rolled my eyes since she hasn't changed a bit. "I see you're still as cranky?" I teased. I was smirking so wide, the drumstick was practically moving with it. I removed the meatless bone and placed it on the plastic Jin hyung prepared for my so called 'future mess'.

"Yah. Don't even start. I already called Kookie, and So—" I had to cut her off there.

"Wait, Jungkook and So—they're going?" I stood up making the chair I was sitting on stumble.

"Well, I'm having a hard time convincing them to come, so can you–"

"No." I abruptly answered without making her finish her sentence.

"Oh not you too—" I ended the call. And frustratedly bit a chicken wing.

I am not going to that party if they'll be there. I'll just let them be happy by themselves.

//Jungkook's Call// —in Yeri's POV

After I hang up with calling Daniel and Jihoon, I quickly dialed another number I got from my folks. Good thing he and she are well acquainted with their fellow idols.

"Yeoboseyo?" A male voice answered. This better not be another manager or I swear I'm gonna throw my phone away.

"Ne. Is this Mr. Jeon Jungkook's number?" I politely asked. I just swear if he's a manager I'm gonna—

"Nugundeyo?" This manager was familiarly really rude for some reason. And after I heard another hum from this person, I instantly knew this wasn't a manager, but the person I was actually calling.

"Yeoboseyo? Aish. If you want something just tell me. I can give you an autograph or whatever. I'm just busy." Wow. So rude.

"Yah. Jeon Jungkook." I gritted my teeth. He really got to me.

"YERIM? I mean you go by Yeri now. Is that you?" He asked like everyone who I contacted these past hours.

"Yah. I'm really hurt by you guys. I mean, how can you not recognize me? Are you really my friends?" I  complained.

"Wow. I can't believe the mighty Yeri's hurt not being recognized by this Golden Jungkook." He praised himself.

I scoffed and answered. "Who said I was hurt? And all of you guys didn't recognize me! And who told you you're golden? Stop overpraising yourself okay?"

"But Armys seem to believe in it." I heard him mumble innocently.

"That's because they're your fa—ugh. I don't have time to lecture you. I'm having a reunion for all our highschool batchmates, and I am inviting you and your hyungs. And PS, get your facts straight Kook- ahh. Don't believe everything your fans tell you." I said I didn't have time to lecture. But I still did it.

"Geurae-yoooo~" He groaned.

"Oh and PPS, can you tell Tae? I'm a bit tired after calling a lot of people." I grunted.

Just hearing that hyung's name makes my blood boil. Not a lot, since he is my hyung, but because he cheated on her. Or at least Jing told me. (A/N : Jing is their group of friend's mutual friend)

Jungkook thought.

"Yeoboseyo?" I called out.

Oh I still haven't ended it? Jungkook mentally laughed at himself before going back to the stern him to answer.

"No." Then He ended the call.

What happened to those three?

//The girl the two member's are fighting about's POV//

I was in set for a drama shooting, but I can't focus. My head keeps bringing Kookie and Taehyung. They haven't been answering my text messages or calls. What did Jing tell Jungkook? Ever since that day they left me in the mall, they've been out of contact.

I was in deep thoughts while in my break that I haven't noticed that my phone was ringing all the time. I grasped the blanket that was around my body. It was really cold.

"Eo Yeri-yaa?" I answered the never ending call.

"Hey I'm really frustrated right now. And I'm hoping you won't fail me like Kook did, but—"

"Wait, you contacted Kook?" I cut her off.

"Yah! Pay attention!" She screamed.

"Arasseo." I obeyed and listen to her next statement.

"I'm hosting a reunion party for all our highschool batchmates. You're gonna be there right?" She asked sincerely.

"I won't go unless you have Kook and Tae go too." And with that, I ended the call without realizing.

If the two won't go then I won't.

A/N : Not much Jeongmin action in this chapter, but don't worry! They'll be the stars in the next chapter.

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