Six : Party

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Chapter Six


I jolted out of bed with Nayeon unnie's head splitting voice ringing through my ears.

"Aish. Wae?!" I mumbled loudly with my eyes still closed.

"Come on. You have to get up. Our stylist wants to meet us an hour earlier than normal."

I opened my eyes and was surprised to see Nayeon unnie's lion mane-like hair, which was untouched since the minute she woke up.

I lunged at the door and walked to the living room where Tzuyu was leaning on Mina and Sana laying on Tzuyu's lap.

"Ahh~ I'm still sleepy." Sana grumbled with her eyes half open.

"Come on guys~ put on your coats." Dahyun-ie clapped her hands.

Tsk. Since when was she a morning person?

"We'll start recording our new song later this night!" Dahyun squealed, her hands shaking in delight.

"What?" I asked with my eyes open wide. I was supposed to go to the party.

"Oh. Not you Jeongyeon unnie. JYP-nim heard about your party." Dahyun stated and started wiggling her eyebrows at the 'your party' part.


EXO sunbaenim were currently performing 'Tempo' on stage.

They were really cool to be honest.

BTS were sitting right next to us which was bothering me since Jimin keeped on stealing glances at me.

I tried to not make eye contact with him by not turning my head to his side.


It was the end of the show and all the idols were called on stage cause they were about to announce the winner.

Once the winner was announced it was time for their solo stage. All the artists were called back. I walked with wide steps as quickly as possible to ignore Jimin, but he ran behind me and left his members behind. He went close to me and whispered "I may pick you up earlier than I thought. About 5:30."

I just nodded and didn't bother to look at him since I know that all fancams must be on us.


It was 3:09 when we arrived back at the dorm. The rest of the members went to the recording studio but Nayeon Unnie and Jihyo stayed behind to help me get ready for the party.

"Yah. You'll meet many hotties there so we'll have to make you as beautiful as possible." Nayeon exaggerated.

"Unnie. I'll make you look your best." Jihyo gave me a smile.

"And I'll style your hair like your Ms. Korea." Nayeon flashed me her bunny smile.

It was now 5:15 and I'm all ready. Well, almost. Jihyo was putting the lipstick on my lips and Nayeon unnie was just fixing my bangs, when the doorbell rang.

"Heol. Yah. I thought you said he was picking you up at 5:30? It's only 5:20." Nayeon said with her eyes on my bangs.

"Done." Jihyo grinned at me.

"Jihyo-ya. Try to delay Jimin as much as possible. I'm almost done." She said with a focused tone.

Jihyo's POV

I ran to open the front door.

Jimin at first looked happy and excited but when he saw me his smile faded. He looked disappointed.

He furrowed his brows and asked me "Where's Jeongyeon?"

"Oh—uh—hm." I stammered.

He raised his right brow at me, and just in time, Jeongyeon unnie bolted right into the middle of the room.

Jimin gazed at her.

My heart fluttered at them looking at each other so lovingly, but I doubt they know each other's feelings.

Nayeon unnie suddenly 'wooo'ed into the room making Jeongyeon and Jimn all flustered.

I swear they like each other.

Back to Jeongyeon's POV

"L—Let's g-go." Jimin stuttered with his hands uneasy.

I followed him out and shut the door behind me.

"Y-yah. Here's your heels." He handed me a pair of black boots.

I smiled, and looked at my feet which were still bare.

He kneeled down and raised my left foot on his knee. He took out a pair of socks from his pocket which was kind of surprising, and he put them on my feet.

After he made me wore the socks he then unzipped a boot and wore them on my feet.

"Next." He said as I raised my other foot and he dusted dirt off it.

He did the same to my left one. Raising my foot made me stumble a bit so he grabbed my hand and placed it in top of his shoulder.

I held on to his shoulder as he zipped the boot up.

I held on to his shoulder as he zipped the boot up

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

What I wear ^^

Now that I look at him closely, he looks dashing. He wore a the suit I bought him. He also styled his hair really neatly.

 He also styled his hair really neatly

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

What he wore ^^

We arrived in front of the hotel Sungwoon oppa's party was being held. We were about 30 minutes late since we went through traffic.

"Ohhh~~ well look at these two all matchy matchy." Sungwoon oppa suddenly appeared behind us.

"Are you two dating?" He asked. Both of us shook our hands in the air and said 'No'.

"Come in." He gestured.

We went into the lobby where it was all designed really formally.

There were many other celebrities, but mostly were our highschool friends.


"You know? I really think your cute."

End of Chapter
I was doing this chapter when Wanna One's Energetic suddenly blasted through my earphones. What a coincidence right?

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, though I was a bit disappointed for this one.

Keep Voting and Continue reading~


Love and Hate |P.JM x Y.JY FF ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن