Ten : Getting Ready

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This story is strictly based in the author's imagination.

Chapter Ten

"Aish. Wae?" I whispered sneakily to that Jimin jerk who was leaning behind me.

"Bang PD-nim wants to invite you and your members for some kind of party." He un energetically indicated the word 'party'.

"Party? Again?" I grunted.

He nodded and leaned back on his chair. I turned my head to the stage where I can see the group performing.

Jimin's POV

My head was hurting a bit since I couldn't sleep properly after what happened last night.

I can't stop imagining about her giving me a peck and then falling asleep the next second.

Doesn't she remember anything?

Here I am pondering about it and there she was just innocently looking at the performing group on stage.

I stared at her for a moment, but felt a slight nudge on my left shoulder.

Jungkook smiled at me. "Wow hyung. You're in loooove~~" he teased.

I hit the back of his head gently.

"Arrgh. Hyung! If our precious armies saw that they'll be angry at you!" He glared me.

Hmmph. If she does remember anything why can't she be more obvious so that I know.

Back to Jeongyeon's POV

Aish! I can't remember anything!

I hit myself in the head multiple times, only to be stopped by Mina-ri who was looking at me questioningly.

"Unnie what's wrong?" She asked.

"N-nothing." I rested my head on my palms.


We arrived at our dorms. The girls rushed to their rooms and started rummaging through their closets.

"What's with you guys?" I mumbled whilst drinking down my OJ.

"Didn't you heard manager-nim a while ago? We're invited to Big Hit's Midnight party!" Nayeon answered with her eyes fixed on Sana's smudged lipstick.

"What? That's tonight??"


No one's POV

Jeongyeon was resting her elbows on the van's window as she stared out into space.

"Guys. I want you to get ready for Big Hit's Midnight party. It's formal. And the whole JYP nation, SMtown, and some YG artists will be there." The Twice's manager reminded with her eyes on the road.

"Ne!" Everybody answered in chorus except Jeongyeon who was already off to dreamland.


"Oh." I trailed off.

"Unnie we'll help you get ready." Momo pushed me towards the bathroom, and handing me my underwear.

What a great roomie..

"Yah! Hurry up! The limo will be here at 9 sharp." Manager unnie pointed to her wristwatch.

I quickly took the underwear and towel from Momo's grasp and entered the bathroom.

I took a brisk shower. And quickly wrapped my body with the towel.

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