Special Chapter

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"Hyung. Do you know some people ship me and Jeongyeon?" V went up to me and slouched next to me.

"Mwo?" I turned to look at his phone.

"They say that we're 'together'." He finger quoted and grinned.

He scrolled through the pictures, and smiled. I frowned when I saw one of him and Jeongyeon doing a back hug.

"Wait, are those pictures true?" I grabbed the phone from his hand.

"Hyung, don't you know how talented people are at editing?" He cocked an eyebrow and wiggled it at me.

"Yeah, well those aren't true." I scoffed and went back to watching tv.

"Yeah I know. They even said we have our 'moments'." He continued to search stuff about their 'ship'.

Tsk. More people ship me with her.

"Yeah right." I stood up and went to the kitchen.

I fished out my phone from my pocket and opened safari. I pressed the search bar and typed 'Jeongtae ship'.

After a few seconds, a lot of pictures with their faces. There are ones with them hugging, their faces close to each other and all that disgusting stuff.

"What's with people?" I scoffed, looking at a picture with them smiling at each other.


I got enough of the weird pictures and called Jeongyeon.



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"He's jealous alright." V was hiding behind the wall along with Jhope and Suga.

"Jeongyeon-ahh! You inly love me right?" Jimin pouted, with the phone pressed into his ear.

"Yeah. He's sooo jealous." Jhope elongated the so.

"For once, I agree with you dumbheads." Yoongi smirked and looked at the pouting Jimin.



A/N : So...yeah. It is the end, but maybe not? I have a plan to connect all my books' plot someway. So, this isn't really the end. You'll see (read) this couple in my upcoming stories.

Love ya guys~

Love and Hate |P.JM x Y.JY FF ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora