Chapter 37

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Sage's POV

Sitting down and eating dinner with my grandfather was the best time I've ever had during dinner. Literally.

Considering the fact that I have barely ever sat at the table with somebody beside my parents or Taylor. Smith is hilarious, especially once you get some food in his system. He acts very young for somebody who keeps his diabetes meds next to him at all times.

We're just sitting at his table now, playing a card game. I thinks Kings Corners, if I'm not mistaken.

"So Sage, are you planning on finishing high school?" Smith asks once it's his turn.

"Yes actually." I give him a smile. I see Taylor eyeing me from the side, I don't need his attitude right now.

Taylor speaks up to fill the silence. "Sage has been wanting to meet you, I hope you know. She has a lot of questions."

I need to have a conversation with him on when to shut his mouth.

"Well, ask away." Smith notices my discomfort.

"I actually wanted to know why Sara left, if you know."

He takes a deep breath and stares at his cards to stoll answering me. "I can't tell you why, but I can tell you it was for a dumb reason."

"I understand." I say quietly. I respect that he doesn't want to tell me.

"No. You don't understand because you don't know. She made the biggest mistake of her life by leaving you guys for a selfish reason." He's growing irritated with the question so I need to change the topic.

"Do you miss Grandma?" I ask bravely. As soon as I'm done asking all the important questions, I'll move on to lighter subjects.

"Terribly. But I know her stubborn self wouldn't want me mope around all day." He laughs and we join.

"What was she like?" I can't help that I want to know so much about my mothers side.

"She was stubborn, hard-headed, and absolutely hated politics." He says curtly.

"Oh." Again with the touchy subjects Sage?

"But she was so passionate about what she loved. She loved art, music, anything creative, and she absolutely adored her grand daughter Sage."

My face warms up and I can't fight the smile on my face. "Really?" I ask hopefully.

"She sure enough did. Your grandmother was very mad at your mother.for doing what she did. She didn't talk to her since then."

"So it's my fault?" My hope dies down. Well I never told her to leave me.

"No Num-nutz. It wasn't your fault. Don't let your mother's mistakes put you down."

"I just recently started talking to her again. She's doing good." The sadness in my voice reflects how I feel about it. She's doing perfect fine while I was doing horrible until Taylor came along.

"You WHAT?" Smith screeches from across the table.

"I said I just recently started talking to her."

"No, I heard you perfectly fine. I just didn't think you had it in your heart to talk to her."

I laugh before responding. "She's doing good. The twins are adorable."

His eyes bulge out of his head at the last part. Okay..? "Twins? As in TWO?"

"Yes Grandpa." I laugh again. "What's wrong with twins?"

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