Chapter 3

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Sage's POV

My father called today and wants me to meet his friend at the hospital. His friend Sergio, I learned from my father, was very kind and adamant about reuniting with my father. He sounded sincere when he wished to help him so I immediately gave him his hospital information.

I walked into my fathers hospital room while he was sleeping. Though I'm relieved that he is getting some rest, I really need to discuss my work schedule with him.

In the meantime I made my way to the receptionist and asked to speak to the doctor about my fathers condition.

"I'm sorry Doctor Verzi but we can't afford any new medicine. You didn't even consent with us to up his dosage. There's a problem when it comes to the financial issues-"

"Financial issues?" The doctor paused and gave me the crazy eye. He ruffles though his papers before he looks as if he finds what he's looking for. "Your records state here that the debt was paid in full and then some just yesterday." He is a younger doctor, early thirties, and quite attractive for his age, but I don't hesitant to give him the crazy eye back.

"Oh." I pause. "Thank you for...err...reminding me."

I storm into my fathers room expecting an explanation but find it empty. Empty as in nobody was ever in it. The room is free of any heavy machinery, the television hanging in the corner is turned off, and the bed is clean and redone with flawless white cotton linen. I was just in here not even an hour ago. What the heck?

I walk back out and stop the nurse who usually checks up on my father. "Nurse Nana, where's my father?" I ask frantically. What did they do to him? Is he okay?

She gave me a sympathetic smile that frightens me. "Oh honey, your father got moved to a nicer room. He woke up and the doctor had us move him. He isn't looking too good right now Sage. Go easy on him."

I love Nurse Nana like an aunt but why would she tell me to go easy on him?

"What do you mean Nana? Why would I possibly-"

Her eyes widen as if she's said too much. "Sorry. I thought he told you already."

I groan and rub my temples. Tell me he is seriously sick? Nope, still hasn't told me. But I found out years ago.

"Where is his new room?" I need to tell my father to thank Sergio for me next time he talks to him.

"Room 712 on the 11th floor."

The elevator ride is always the most nerve wracking. I use the time wisely to think about what he could possibly need to talk about.

When I open the door that clearly says 712 I find...a sitting room? It's about the size of my kitchen with two love-seats and a one-seater couch surrounding a dark wood coffee table. There's even a stand-up coffee machine with selections of various assortments of tea, coffee, and hot chocolate. I'm slightly taken back by the sudden smooth ground under my feet, looking down to see a carpet? They have carpets in hospitals? Framed artwork on the wall give a warm atmosphere to the room if it weren't for the plush, homey looking couches.

There is no way my father managed to get this much money.

There's two doors on the opposite right side of the room and two wide, ceiling to floor windows to the left. I'm guessing one door leads to my father's room. My hypothesis is correct when I open one door and see it's a restroom and the next is another spacious room with my father's hospital bed in the middle. He's wide awake and has a nervous smile when he sees me.

"Hey dad. How are you feeling?" His smile slowly fades before he looks down at his lap and twiddles his thumbs.

"I'm not going to answer that Sage." He takes me by surprise but doesn't wait for me reaction before continuing. "Sage you know they said I only have about a year-"

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