Chapter 20

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Taylor's POV

Everyone welcomes us home when we walk through the door. That was probably the icing on the cake for Sage's irritation. I could tell the last thing she wanted was to be around all the peppy people. She doesn't want to move in with me but there's nothing stopping her. I could give her anything she wants or needs but her stubbornness and pride won't let her be taken care of.

The only time I don't love her stubbornness is when it keeps me from getting what I want. I want her to live with me. Since the day I met her I've slept in bed with her. I find I sleep best when I'm with her.

"Me and Sage are going upstairs Apa'. Goodnight."

We bid everybody goodnight then I carried Sage upstairs. "My legs are capable of carrying my body weight Taylor."

"That's not a way to treat pregnant women." I tease her and she swats my chest playfully.

"I'm telling you I'm not pregnant."

I, of course, ignore her and let her think she's right. But we both know what that test is going to say.

She finishes her food after multiple attempts to try and throw a fry into my mouth. She's a terrible thrower and the angle I was lying on my bed didn't help, we had to pick up at least 30 fries from the floor. She gulped down the smoothie and wasn't hungry enough to finish the Big Mac so I ate what she didn't finish. I wasn't going to let a perfectly good Burger go to waste on my time.

It was an hour until midnight and she was now stalling to take the test.

"Come on Cara. Just take the test and move in with me." I tell her cheerily.

"But why?" she asks sitting on my lap with her hands on my shoulders and her legs on each side of me. "When I can just stay here," she kisses my neck, "and have fun with you." Where the fuck did this new attitude come from?

She's good. Too damn good.

But I'm better.

I start kissing her neck and wrap her legs around my torso. She's kissing me fiercely, leaving little love bites to litter my throat and chest. Her skinny arms wrap around my shoulders and I flip her over so I'm hovering over her. She tries to remove legs from around my waist but I put them back in place. My hips tingle as she tries pulling down my pants but I don't let her do that either. I'm hungry to taste her lips again but instead I lift her up from the bed and continue kissing her with more passion than I knew I had. Gripping her butt to make sure she can't slide down, my legs carry us to the bathroom before she realizes it.

When I sit her on the toilet her face gets red and I laugh at her confusion. She gasps when realization hits her.

Handing her the box that holds the pregnancy test, I say "take the test Cara. I don't want to hear anything about it until it's done and I'm right."

"Leave. I don't like you right now." I laugh again and kiss her on the forehead before leaving the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

Pacing the floor outside of the bathroom does nothing to calm my nerves. I don't know why I'm nervous, I was never nervous before. Maybe it's just actually getting to me that I'm going to be a father soon. In like, nine months soon.

Not wanting to think too much about it, I stop pacing when I hear the shower run.

She's going to be upset about whatever the test says, so I stay away from her in the shower. If she's pregnant, she's going to be mad at me for making her move in, besides the fact that she is freaking pregnant. If she's not, she's going to be mad at both of us for disappointing her father. I'm screwed either way.

While thinking of ways to keep her anger directed away from me, I grab a pair of boxers and a t-shirt and leave them on the bed for her when she gets out.

I want her to hurry up but I don't want her to be mad at me. What should I do to keep her from being mad at me? If I even think the word 'pregnant' she gets irritated with me.

My father's the first person I see when I walk into the kitchen. "Hey Apa'. What are you doing up so late?"

"Your mother is sleeping. I just came down here for a midnight snack." He smiles making himself a sandwich. "What's keeping you awake?"

"I'm waiting for Sage to be done in the shower. She took a pregnancy test and is stalling from me to see what it says."

He bellows out a laugh and my face gets warm from embarrassment. "Why is that?"

"Because she was denying that she's pregnant. She said that if she's not pregnant, I have to drop her off at her house and stop bossing her around. I said if she is, she has to move in with me."

He's laughing even harder now and my face is getting warmer. "Why doesn't she want to move in? What did you do to her?"

"Apa'! I didn't do anything! I want my kid and it's mother in the same house as me. Is it too much to ask her for Apa'?"

He smirks smugly at me. Now I know the irritation Sage feels when she tells me she wants to punch me in the face. "Do you love her?"

What? "Apa' what are you talking about? I've only known her for a few days? I like her yeah, but I don't even think she likes me."

He pats my shoulder in the fatherly way he's always done it. "Don't force anything onto her. You'll just push her away. Now make her an ice-cream sundae and go apologize."

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