Chapter 15

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Sage's POV

"I'm buying you a new car today, one that you can put a carseat in."

"I don't need a new car." I say as the water runs down my back.

"You're the only girl I know that would turn down a free car." he says irritably and continues lathering his hair. Without thinking about it, I rejected his overly generous offer. I'm still mad about what happened but this is obviously his way of apologizing. A car isn't the way to my forgiveness, he could just, I don't know... explain?

"Thank you." I smile warmly despite the water running down his face. "Not only for offerring me a car." I kiss him on the lips softly and get out before he gets horny again.

I have no idea what I'm doing today so I have no clue what to wear. Most of my clothes are baggy T-shirts and skinny jeans. I don't even think I've ever bought anything close to high heels. When you were raised by your father and don't have anybody to impress, you don't need to dress flashy. Any other day I would just pick jeans and a shirt but I'm sure I'll be spending the day with Taylor. He always looks so well put together. I look like a homeless person next to him.

"We'll have to move your stuff to my house soon." His voice startles me. I lean into his chest when he hugs me from behind.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not going to raise a kid in two seperate homes. I want you and our baby to be in the same house as the rest of my family." He shrugs.

There's a lot of things I still haven't thought about, living situations being one. I'm in no rush to start planning things or making all these drastic decisions. Once again, I'm surprised by Taylor's attitude and thoughts about this whole jazz that our fathers got us into. It's confusing me and causing migraines.

"It's too early to think about that." I say nervously. "That would be weird. How would we explain the arrangement to other people? I'm your 'baby mama'?" I almost backtrack from such a blunt question.

"Easy. I want it to be more than an arrangement." I freeze at his response, he just laughs at me. "You should be my girlfriend." I give him an incredulous look, signaling the end of this conversation. Maybe another time when we are on better terms and when I'm actually pregnant.

"What should I wear today?"

"It's finally feeling like September so we need to buy you some pregnancy clothes. There's this pregnancy store my mo-"

"I'm not even pregnant yet Taylor. You sound ridiculous buying me pregnancy clothes. By the time I do have a bump, it will be snowing." I reason as I shuffle through all of my clothes. His smile tickles my neck and makes me grin.

"Then we still need to buy you new bras and underwear."

"I won't let you go to Victoria Secret with me."

"Why not?" he asks laughing along with me.

"So you can picture all the lingerie on other girls there? I don't think so."

He laughs harder now. "Okay, then wear this dress." he pulls out something that I haven't worn since last years award ceremony. "And we'll go car shopping later."

"Are you serious about buying me a car? What's wrong with mine?" I ask in disbelief.

He laughs at me again. "It's a crappy car that will break down any moment now. My baby will ride in style." It's my turn to laugh at him.

"What am I going to do with my car then?"

"Throw it away?" he sounds hopeful.

"No you jerk. I'll just put it on Craigslist or something."

"That's my girl." I turn to him and raise my eyebrow. "Okay, that's the Cara I know."

"You know," I say when I walk out of the closet, "I still haven't met your family."

"We'll go today after we go car shopping. They'll love you." He sounds sure of himself.

"You don't know that." I turn to face him. "You haven't really gotten to know me and you're assuming they'll just welcome two new additions to their family. Taylor do you know how nerve wracking-this is?" I practically yell and of course automatically feel bad. Well, not really. It's Taylor. Nothing fazes him.

He smiles at me. "For someone who is denying me being their boyfriend, you're freaking out like you want to be my girlfriend."

I smack his chest playfully and smile. He opens his mouth again so I turn away from him and walk into the kitchen. "You're going through a lot of mood swings, are you sure you're not pregnant yet?" He calls from behind me.

"If you keep making fun of me, I'm not going to talk to you." I scold him as he holds up his hands in mock surrender. Jerk.

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