Chapter 17

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Sage's POV

He has a huge family. Lunch was being served in his backyard and he has a beautiful garden. There was a long table set up with fine dishwear and white daisies layed out all over the table. The chairs were covered with silk cloth and if I didn't know this was lunch I would have thought this was a wedding setup. His oldest siblings weren't coming, only the ones that currently lived here at the mansion were going to be here, and I was less nervous knowing that. I would have been overwhelmed otherwise.

Everybody was inside waiting for us where we would talk and they would get to know me before having lunch. We walked to the back from the front and even though I didn't know how lunch with them worked, I felt I would be out of place. The walk around his house to his backyard would have felt like forever if it weren't for Taylor making small talk the whole way.

He walked me to a set of French doors and urged me to go through. Panic set in before I even got to glimpse inside whichever room it led to and I had miniature heart attack. Turning around so fast almost gave me whiplash but I ignored it and frantically questioned Taylor. "What if they don't like me? What do I do then? How many exits are there? Any secret escape routes? Do I run out these doors or-"

"Will you just go inside already?" He lightly shoved me through the door.

I turned around to face him again and scolded, "Don't push me! I'm going!"

He laughed at my childishness but I froze at the sound of a throat being cleared. I immidiately turned beet-red and slowly swerved around to face seven people looking at me. Some were smiling and the younger ones were snickering. I didn't really study their faces, but I'm sure they all are taking in my embarrassment.

I waved sheepishly and managed to croak a "hi" before they all ran over, took turns kissing me on the cheeks and squeezing the life out of me.

The youngest girl with dark curls and hazel eyes looked up at me in awe. And as if seeing if it was really me, she grabbed my hand and asked, "Are you Taylor's 'Baby Mama'?"

I laughed in response and shook my head 'no.'

Taylor cuts in before I could ask her name, "not yet. But we're working on it." He turns to me and winks. If possible my face gets warmer.

"Son, stop embarrassing Sage and give her a tour of our home." The fact that he said home made the environment more cozy than it was when I was shoved through the door. I give him a grateful smile and another sheepish wave.

"Thank you Sergio. Taylor quit being a douche and show me where the bathroom is please." I add a sweet smile.

"Of course cara mia." I blushed again at his pet name for me but didn't comment.

His house has 10 bathrooms that he mentioned won't go unused with a pregnant lady in the house. His bedroom is the second largest in the house because he is the oldest that still lives at home. I found it funny. He has several living areas and a family room in the basement with a theatre and the biggest plasma I have ever seen. The kitchen is huge with two double door fridges and a single deep freezer. They have a house maid that does all the cleaning and two chefs that prepares their meals daily. Each kid has their own bedroom meaning there are seven bedrooms total being used, and two guest bedrooms. He thinks I'm moving in with him, I think not.

They have a gorgeous sunroom with all white furniture in it. It was the most beautiful room I have ever seen, the way the furniture is reflected by the sunlight shining in through the glass panes on three of the walls. Mirrors of all shapes and sizes line the walls, reflecting the light even more, giving it a certain glow for each mirror it hit. This is automatically my favorite room.

Lunch comes and goes quickly, laughing at meaningless bicker and complimenting each other on recent school achievements. Soon, for the first time, I find myself in Taylor's bedroom. It's set up like a kings thrown. The bed is centered in the middle and there's a nook against the window with a couch on the opposite side of the room. Everything is designed to look modern but in a guys' way. It's warm and cozy, I like it.

We're not even in the room for a minute before I'm being carried bridal style onto the bed. It's comfortable, very comfortable. He hovers over me and grips my sides, kissing and licking my neck hungrily, probably leaving another mark to match the ones on my hips and chest. Caveman.

It doesn't take long for my skin to tingle and for my fingers to run through his thick hair, I moan in appreciation when he sucks on the spot that drives me absolutely crazy. His hips bury me into the mattress when he pins me down holding my arms above my head. I don't want him to have all the fun but I don't want him to stop the sweet assault he's playing on my throat.

"Cara mia, let me make love to you." He groans against my skin. I freeze when I process what he says.

What is he talking about? He can 'make love' to any girl he wants. There are pleanty women who would willingly give themselves to him but he wants me. I didn't plan on having sex with him until he confesses about/drops his other women. Obviously, my plans didn't follow through but he has got to be on drugs thinking I'm going to give myself to him again, and while his parents are still in the house.

"You never told me who your girlfriend is." I whisper once I find my voice.

"Cara..." He moves off of my and shifts around so my back is to his chest and his arms circling me. I can't help feeling safe when he holds me like this. I shouldn't, considering I still know little about him. "You know that paparazzi craves for drama to put in their magazines. None of that it true. All that you read was a misunderstanding. I was shopping for our babies' clothes and she recognized me from a party. She was flirting with me but the whole time I was thinking about you and our baby. I left as soon as it got to be too much. And you know where I went later that day?"

"To meet your mistress." I mutter.

"No." He chuckles, "I went to see you and I saw you hugging another man. You don't know the jealousy I felt when I saw you hug him. The way I want you to show affection to me." His words are laced with his own hurt, leaving an uncomfortable mark on me. I take a moment to gather my own thoughts of the subject. When he says stuff like that, I feel like an unappreciative helpless girl who can't even show affection to the father of her soon-to-be-baby.

I never thought about how he would feel.

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