Chapter 4

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Taylor's POV

My father has officially lost his mind. He wants me to meet this man he says was his best friend for over 20 years. I still have yet to find the reason why. I've never heard of him in my life and now I have to see him on a hospital bed? That's awkward and I'm trying my hardest to beg my way out of it.

After I walked out of the room in a childish manner, he demanded that I get in the car with him. He refuses to tell me where we are going but I already know where he's taking me.

"Apa', will you please tell me why we are pulling into Target parking lot? Whatever we need I'm sure we can have Jade-"

"Taylor, shut your damn mouth for once. And Jade is our house maid, not your personal."


"Just get out of my car. I have to write a complaint about a certain employee."

I follow him into Target and am not blind to all the stares I am receiving. Only a few get a wink from me, I have to hold back now that I'm with my father. My body bumps his as he abruptly stops, sending me and the blonde who's got my attention a scowl.

"Taylor, we better get your STD prescription while we're here." He says loudly, looking suggestively at the blonde. She practically runs in the other direction. Damn Apa'!

My eyebrows furrow in annoyance as he finds what he just did hilarious. "Apa', can we do what we came here for and leave?"

"We are." He points to a 'customer care' sign above us.

A women in her 30s is typing on a computer in front of us when she looks up and forces a smile, probably for the sake of her job. "How may I be of your assistance today?"

Her nametag says "Yolanda" so I'm going to guess that's her name. "Yes father. Do tell Yolanda the reason to inconvenience her and other employees." It's my turn to mess with him now.

He sends me a glare before he explaining why he dragged me out here. "I need to speak to management about firing a certain employee due to her health conditions."

What the fuck? Her? What health conditions. His friend is a he who is apparently sick enough to be deadly. What the hell is he doing working in the first place? Shouldn't we be going to a hospital? This is confusing and bringing back the headache I swallowed three aspirins for.

"I can do that for you, but, no offense, you don't have the power or valid reason as to why you want me to fire her."

This lady is asking to get fired if she's questioning my fathers position, I think to myself. I can hear my father scoff next to me. He's not the type to flash his position in society, but he knows he can do whatever the fuck he wants while still being the richest in the state.

My fathers stern voice seems to have intimidated her because she looks more than willing to do what he asks, "I am one of the richest men in the state, if not the country. She refuses to quit because of her stubbornness but her condition has left her no choice. She won't do it herself so I came to do it myself."

"What is the employees name sir?" Yolanda asks, her voice a bit shaky.

"Sage Michaels." Doesn't ring a bell. "I will pay whatever it takes to immediately replaced."

Her eyes go wide as she concentrates on the computer resting between us, but she composes herself. "That won't be necessary sir."

"Very well. I need her to be fired. Do you understand? That is the only way for her to not risk her condition."

"Yes. I-I understand." Yolanda stutters.

I need to interrogate him as soon as we are in the car. He turns to walk away but doesn't go to the exit. Instead he makes his way to the... baby isle?

"Apa', you've got some serious explaining to do."

He completely ignores me and is looking through the booties when he purchases a three pack of blue, pink, and yellow baby booties.


"Is Ama' pregnant?" I shock myself by asking.

He bellows a laugh before turning to me and smiling widely. "No Taylor. Your mother is not pregnant. Somebody else is going to be."

Going to be?

"Going to be?" I shake my head to get rid of his suggesting smile. "Apa' can we just go so we can hurry up and I can pack up my dorm room."

He smiles widely at me once again but what frustrates me more is the fact that he's ignoring me. He doesn't talk to me until we pulled out of the Target parking lot.

"Taylor. You're going to answer my next question truthfully and I don't need you to be dramatic." He says as he starts the engine. The expensive vehicle, much more expensive than mine, purrs to life. Like music to my ears, except Apa' ruining it for me with his mysterious attitude.

"I don't know Apa'." I groan. "You've been freaking me out today."

Instead of taking cautions, he blurts out the question without flinching. "How would you feel about having a kid?"


He laughs once again but I don't find any of this funny. Is one of the girls I slept with pregnant? What the hell? Even when drunk I'm smart enough to use a condom.

"Did I get a girl pregnant?! Apa' I swear I've always used a condom! Whoever says they're pregnant is lying!"

His heads whips in my direction and the look he gives me is frightening. Like lightning, so sudden you'd miss it if you blink. My old mad is old, but he is as sharp as a whip. "Listen to yourself Taylor! No son of mine is going to disrespect women as you do. You don't even know which girl it would be if it were that case? That is ridiculous! Now, moving on-" He has his face set into a scowl and is gripping to steering wheel tightly.

"Apa'! Answer me! Who the hell is pregnant?" I yell, no longer holding onto my frustration.

"Nobody!" He shouts. So I'm not the only one frustrated with this topic... "I have arranged for you, along with my friend, that you are to get married. Now, this was arranged when you were barely three, so you have no control over this-"

"What do you mean? I don't-"

"DON'T interrupt me. We now know that he has less than a year to live, and me as his best friend, am left to grant that wish. You don't have to get married, that's not his wish." He pauses, I sigh in relief.

"His dying wish is to meet his grandchild. Don't ask any questions until I'm done." He warns when he sees my confused expression. "His only child is his daughter Sage. That's who you were arranged to marry. She's 18, she's a gorgeous girl and you are to have a child with her." I inhale a sharp breath at the last part and my headache is now back with full force. "There, now I'm done talking."

"You have got to be kidding me." Is all I say as soon as we pull up to the hospital. My father is a huge family man so I have a feeling he isn't joking.

He has to be joking, right?


Can somebody tell me why I lost so many reads this chapter? I have like, 1/3 of what I had the previous chapter.

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