Chapter 33

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Taylor's POV

Sage is supposed to be coming back today. I'm ecstatic to finally be able to feel whole again. I haven't been able to sleep lately. I get about half an hour of sleep before I wake up and repeat the process. Sage's pillow that is drowned in her scent helps barely. I've been going to the gym like crazy to try to distract myself from the need I have for her. The only thing that has truly been keeping me sane is the fact that she will be marrying me as soon as she gets back, besides her getting pregnant.

I honestly am excited about her having my baby. Just imagine how much fun its going to be when she's constantly calling me to get her the banana split she's craving. It will be so much fun teasing her about her baby bump. My father did all the time with my mom and it was the funniest thing ever.

Besides that, how horny she is going to be. It'll be the most fun making fun of her hormones. The sex doesn't even matter. I'd much rather go cuddle with her than have sex with her, though it's phenomenal.

The only day of the week I actually couldn't take it was the fourth day. I really thought that she couldnt go a whole week without me. She did though. If she tells me she doesn't want to be with me, I'll surely lose it again. I couldn't even have a conversation with my father because I would lash out at him for no reason.

"Taylor son, what the hell has gotten into you?" He asked me, genuinely curious.

"Apa', that's none of your business!" I snapped.

I apologized to him, but I doubt that he took it to the heart when I snapped at him. He knew I have been on edge. Maybe it's sexual deprivation.

Nah, it's just that Sage is lasting the whole week, while I'm miserable. It's not fair, but if she comes back and truly doesn't want me, then I'll be devastated, but have no choice but to let her go. I don't want to force her into a relationship, especially since I'm already heels in planning our kids. I should probably just rip the band aid off and lose contact with her altogether if she decides that she doesn't want to be with me. I'll probably go back to college and stay there for as long as I can.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I'm disappointed yet again when it isn't Sage.

"Taylor speaking." I say in monotone.

"It's Robert, son. I was wondering if you can come and visit so I can talk to you?"

Socialing with the future in-laws are a no-no for me. But Sage would like that we're comfortable with each other.

"Err, sure. I can do that." I really don't want to go, but its the least I could do after both Sage and I not visiting him for a week.

I don't know what he plans on talking about, maybe he is just lonely. Join the club.

I get to the hospital about an hour after his phonecall. He was resting until I accidentally slammed the door when I walked in.

He has been making light conversation for the past half hour. He keeps glancing from me to the door every few minutes. Im guessing he's waiting for Sage to walk through the door.

"Taylor, tell me why Sage hasn't visited me for a week. No offense, she used to visit me every day. Then she goes a week without even a call. I know she's not her with you, tell me why. Your father made it sound like you two were inseperable."

"She doesnt want to marry me. Once I told her we were getting married, she ran off on me. She's supposed-" I stop talking once I realize he is bellowing out a laughter.

This man is just as insane as Sage. There is no question where she got that from. "Let me get this straight. You told her that you two were getting married?"

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