Chapter --

26 1 0

Taylor's POV

I didn't think that she would have cried for the whole night after the video. Much to my surprise, they weren't sad tears, and she couldn't let go of me when the video was finished. Our audience "awed" in appreciation, but I walked with her to the bathroom to make sure she was okay.

"Was that before he found out we were having twins?" She sniffled in my arms.

"Yes cara mia." I cooed. Not that it mattered at the time.

Even after the baby shower, she was crying. And after countless promises that they were happy tears, I let her fall asleep in the at-home-theatre with me, replaying that video. I couldn't help but snap a picture of her, still in her yellow dress and flower headband, a plate with a piece of cake resting on the top of her belly. To put it shortly, she looked adorable.


"You can't do that Taylor!" She shouts frustrated. Lucky for her, I know she's pregnant and is on a roller coaster of bipolar emotions.

I roll my eyes at her, "you're overreacting cara mia." Continuing to ignore her yelling and dramatic protests, I help the delivery man bring the cribs to the guest bedroom across the hall from our room.

I had to push a lot of the gifts from the babyshower aside to fit the extravagant cribs into the potential nursery. I will give my babies the best. I'm still not sure if I'm going to have this room built to connect to ours or not... Maybe if I just extend these walls a few feet back and raise the ceiling, or even pu-

"Taylor!" Sage seethes from behind me.

She's probably tired. Or she could just be hungry again. That reminds me, what are we going to do for dinner?

"You're not even listening to me! Gosh you make we want to choke you." She tugs at her hair, flustered and angry yet still beautiful.

"Cara mia, you're going to give birth in a month and a half. We need to get a nursery set up." I wave her away. The men have already gotten paid and left, leaving me alone to face Sage when she's in a mood.

"That's why we get it set up in my house." She says through clenched teeth. "What makes you think you have the right to assume-"

"Cara mia, you're tired, you didn't take a nap today. Just please...lay down." I try to persuade, going towards her with open arms.

"I'm not a child! And in case you forgot, they're my children too. I already have a house to myself. You should know better than me how much stress a baby can cause on one household. I'm not going to raise two children in your parents house." She put her hands on her hips and glares at me.

Sage's POV

I glare at him. He has no right, whatsoever, to think that us three are going to live here. I have a whole house to myself. With three extra bedrooms, I am going to make sure my babies are always taken care of. It has nothing to do with the size of the house, because their house is literally a mansion.

It's the fact that we are both grown and don't need to live in his parents house. They're not going to want to deal with two babies crying all the time while they have five daughters they need to be giving their full attention to. As much as they will try to say they want to see their grandchildren, they won't want to live with two newborns. That part of their life is over and they're both getting old. I won't put them through that all over again.

"Cara mia, will you be rational with me?" He says, sounding tired of this conversation.

I close my eyes and count to ten. I take deep breath like Nurse Nana told me, and when I'm done, I see Taylor waiting patiently. Arms crossed and eyebrow raised, he pisses me off again when he turns around and starts opening the box.

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