Chapter 44

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Taylor's POV

The alarm isn't what woke me up. Sage puking up that damn frappe I told her not to drink is what really woke me up. I told her to get a smoothie because she knows it's the only thing she can eat, besides ice cream, that she won't vomit. She shouldn't even be thinking about caffeine while she is pregnant. Now she is puking in the bathroom, waiting for me to wake up and tell her, "I told you so."

I jump out of bed to hold back her hair or do whatever my father used to for my mother. Instead, I rub her stomach while hugging her from behind, and she stops almost automatically.

"Cara mia, let's lay back down." I say once she finishes brushing her teeth.

"I can't go to sleep. I'm not tired and I'm super nauseous for no reason." She says quietly.

"What do you mean you're not tired?" It's already midnight. She fell asleep on me when I was telling her a story about when my mother was pregnant and craving oranges with hot sauce.

"I can't sleep because I'm not tired." She's putting her head down like she should be ashamed. I laugh at the thought. She is always trying to find something to apologize for. "Stop laughing at me."

"You don't have to be ashamed of it cara mia, if you're not tired, then I'll stay up with you." I smile at her laughing.

"Don't be stupid Taylor. You're probably exhausted," she's not lying "go to bed. I'll find something to do until I'm tired." No she won't. She will go drive around until her boredom puts her to sleep. I have something else in mind...

"Come on." I grab her hand and walk her over to the bed with me. She gives me questionable looks but stay silent as I run my hands up and down her sides. Her body warmth radiates through my finger tips and up my arms. My lips latch onto her collarbone, just above her left boob. Licking and sucking earns me a moan as her hands wrap around my waist.

"Taylor..." She moans again, making me hard.

"Yes cara mia?" I breathe into her ear, grazing them over her skin as my hand work their way to the waistband of her pajama pants. The goosebumps on her arm remind me that she feels the same way right now.

"Don't stop." So I don't. I pull down her waistband and allow her pregnant hormones to take over as she does the same to my boxers.

As soon as all of our clothes are off and her hands are pulling me closer to her, I give in. I don't wait any longer to give us what we both want and haven't had in so long. I push her gently so her back is on the bed and her legs over the edge. Standing between them feels like heaven.

I thrust inside of her and bring my lips to her chest as my hands remain on her hips, keeping them in place. Her gasps and moans fill the room as I thrust in and out of her. She's so slick, so hot and tight. I harden a little more every time I think about it. She provides the relief every man on this earth needs but only I will ever have.

"It feels so good Taylor, so good." She repeats as I go a little faster. Her hands are shaky as she grips my hair and her leg wrapped around my waist, pulling me deeper into her than I thought possible. The combination of the taste of her nipples and the feeling of being inside her is unexplainable. Only Sage has ever felt this good, no other girl I have been with can even compare to her.

"What kind of flowers do you like?" She asks once we sit at the bench.

She still wasn't tired, she was more energetic if anything, so we decided to go for a walk in our backyard garden. I never really appreciated it until I'm using it to tire her out. It actually looks really cool once the lights on the walkway are turned on and the only other light is the moon. I made sure to get her bundled up before she stepped a foot outside of the house.

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