Chapter 41

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Taylor's POV

I woke up extremely early to get everything ready for Sage. I need to make a few calls and reserve what I can on such short notice. I need to call a wedding planner and put emphasis on exactly six months away from the upcoming Saturday. I need to make sure that I have a weather-appropriate outfit for her ready. I have to make sure to wake up all my sisters to get ready and have a lecture with them on making sure to be careful with Sage. I need to make sure her car is full with gas so she doesn't have to stop. I have to make sure her phone is charged because she will forget and use that as an excuse for not answering when I call to check up on her. I need to make sure her father calls her before she leaves so she doesn't feel like she has to pause her day to check up on him. I care deeply for both of them, but I don't want Sage's day to be interrupted. I need to make sure Amaliana keeps an eye on Sage so she doesn't drink coffee when I'm not there. I definitely need to make sure her IHop is ready and warm when she wakes up.

I'm going to leave before she gets up. Hopefully if I leave her alone for the day, she will agree to drop out of school. I don't need to add to her stress. She is probably going nuts because she couldn't present her first quarter senior project.

Sophia's is the first bedroom I go to. She was already awake, just laying down, staring at her TV, waiting for somebody to come in.

"Sophia..." I whisper. She immediately perks up.

"Taylor!" She squeals and gives me a good morning kiss on the cheek, which I happily return.

"Let's get you dressed so you can have fun with Sage and your sisters." I smile, encouraging her.

She drags me by the hand and brings me to assist her picking out her outfit for the day. Sage, Amaliana, or Sandrina usually help her. But that role goes to me today.

"What color is your favorite this morning?" I tease. She takes the question seriously though. Typical Sophia. I'd be lying if I said she was my favorite. I love all my little sisters equally. Sophia is just the most humorous.

"Definitely green. I was looking at your shirt and thought how funny you would look in green." She laughs and tugs at my hand to walk further into her closet and stops in front of her long sleeve shirt shelf. My closet is still bigger, not to brag or anything.

"You want to wear a green shirt today?" I ask slowly. I'm all for uniqueness, but lime green for sibling day is socially unacceptable.

"No idiota. I'm going to wear a black long-sleeve shirt with a green skirt. I need you to grab it. Ama' and Apa' don't want me to use the ladder for my closet. Crazy I tell you."

I laugh before selecting a suitable shirt.

"Taylor! That's not the right shirt. I said a black shirt, not white." She complains dramatically.

"Sophia," I get eye level with her. "How about your wear a sweater and leggings under your tutu? It's really cold. You can't get sick." I gasp and mock terror.

"Taylor!" She laughs. "It would be really helpful of you to get the rest of my outfit, wouldn't you say?"

I get her a green tutu, with black and white striped cotton leggings. A white long-sleeve shirt to wear under a black Victoria Secret sweater that has a pink dog on the chest. Her pink Vans look adorable.

Looking at the outfit I picked out for Sophia gets me excited for my own daughter.

As I help her get dressed, she holds onto my should to keep balance while putting her legs into the skirt. "Taylor, why doesn't Sage live here? She stays here all the time."

"I want her to live here too Sophia, trust me." I say sadly.

"Don't be sad Taylor. Sage doesn't think you love her." She says and my head snaps in her direction.

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