Dedication & Author's Note

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This book is dedicated to all the Friends, Sisters, Titas and Mommies that I gained because of ADN.

We may not know what the future holds but I am glad that because of that fateful day of
July 16, 2015, we got to know each other - here and abroad.

Author's Note

This is a story by an ADN author for ADN, however, The Science Bae will be a spin off from the usual characters that I write about.

A work of fiction and creativity, I'd like to tell you the story of Marco, the Science Bae. He came from a popular family and established himself as the "Science Bae" whose love for science influenced a lot of kids, teens and fan girls to follow his every move.

This is from the One Shot Story called "Paparapapa🎶" wherein his life changed after he meets the lovely Vivian.

Let us explore the scientific method to figure out what happened before and after
Marco met Vivian!

#beautifulotor jenofgenovia

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