Chapter 33

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I stood up quickly, my hand over my mouth, trying to cover up my sobs. I was breathing heavily and I could feel my eyes filling up with tears as I stared at Chad's moveless body. My whole body was trembling from the adrenaline as I stumbled back to the counter to stabilize myself. My thoughts were working at full speed, as I was unable to concentrate.

»Breathe,« I told myself, as I leaned against the counter and removed the hand away from my mouth. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, wishing the past events were only in my imagination. But as soon as I opened my eyes again, I saw that wasn't the case.

Still in shock, I started searching for my phone in my pockets with rushed movements as I tried to think of who to call. I could call Mia or Chris, but I didn't want to involve them the situation as well – I was enough.

I knew who I should call. Who would know exactly what to do, and actually could take an advantage of a situation by asking Chad questions. But the question was, was I really going to just give my ex-boyfriend to a guy I barely know and who could be dangerous?

On the other hand, Chad was nothing like the Chad I knew anymore. The guy I fell in love with years ago wasn't there anymore. All that was left was a cheating, lying boy whom I thought I loved. But Chad would never try to take an advantage of me. He wouldn't try to touch me without my permission. He wouldn't be aggressive, not my Chad at least. I realized I didn't even know him anymore.

I decided the moment I found my phone. I saw a text from Mia, saying that they are both staying at Chris' house and that I have to join them there. 'If only I saw this before...' I thought to myself in irony and snorted. There was another text from an unknown number with an address and 'Choose wisely' added in the end. I immediately knew who it was from.


Thank god he has sent me the address already. I didn't even think about how would I call him, as I did not have his phone number. I quickly pressed the button to call and brought the phone to my ear. He answered after the second beep.

»What do you want Alexis?« He sounded exhausted and annoyed and I scrunched my eyebrows, not liking the tone he spoke to me with. Regardless, I decided to ignore it. I wasn't supposed to care anymore anyways, right?

»I did something bad,« I said quietly, my voice breaking in the end. I heard a shuffle, as if he had quickly changed the position he was in, and I knew he immediately understood that I was not joking.

»What did you do, Alexis?« He asked, his voice now different and I could swear I heard a bit of worry in his voice. I bet that was my imagination only playing with me. Kyle would not be worried about me.

»You need to come here as soon as possible.« My voice was now steadier, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

»On my way,« he said and hung up without saying anything else.

I lowered my phone and looked at Chad. His face looked so peaceful while sleeping that almost made me feel sorry for him. But I quickly gathered my thoughts as I hit myself. 'Think about everything he did to you, stupid. Even you said you don't love him anymore.'

Of course, my subconscious was right. I wondered how Kyle did it, not caring about anything. Seemed I really have to work on that, seeing how much I still care about Chad. Well, cared. I sighed and put my head in between my hands, resting for a bit. 'Why did it seemed to me like my world is starting to turn for 360 degrees ever since I met Kyle?' I wondered. 'And is it a good or a bad thing?' 'Well, that was a difficult question to ask myself at the moment,' I snorted at my own thoughts. Being shot at, barely escaping a party and being stitched afterwards didn't seem like nothing positive to me yet. But my gut was telling me something was about to change for the better. Maybe it will be me, finally owning up to my wishes and expectations, not living for anyone else but myself. But who knows what the future would bring? I raised my head up and tried to force myself to not think about that in this moment. I had more important things on my mind, like showing Kyle I am capable of living this kind of life. That I wasn't afraid.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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