The Trivial Thoughts of Insignificant Company- Otto, Chubby reader

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         After dinner the guests began to go home. Finally it was your families turn to leave. You tucked yourself into the far corner as everyone else got in. As your father started to climb in a voice shouted and foot steps could be heard hitting the pavement, "Mr. Harrison!" He stopped midway turning around, "Yes?" Glancing around your sisters heads you could see it was Otto, "Sorry, for the impropriety, I had to get away from someone to speak with you." Your father sighed, "That's alright. I'll forgive it this time. What is it you wanted to discuss?" Otto glanced into the open door even though he couldn't see inside; you knew he was looking for you, "I was wondering if I could have permission to visit your daughter, (Y/N), in the morning?" Your father stood up straight, adjusting his jacket, "No earlier than 9am. Be on time." Otto nodded, "Thank you, Sir." After he started walking away your father got in and the family drove home. The topic of conversation...what were you to wear tomorrow. Before going to bed for the evening your mother had picked a dress and made a bullet-point list of topics forbidden to talk about, lest it lead to another Archer situation.

      The next few weeks were full of days and evening spent together with him and his family. Needless to say things were going really well. Weeks turned into months. Months into a year.

       Today was a small get together at Otto's family's country home and currently you were sitting on a chair outside in the garden. Liliane was here as well and you knew she had been behind the numerous rumors/name calling that had also come with the past year. You tried with all your might not to  pay attention to them...Otto always made you feel better after a new one would come up. You could hear laughter and horses approaching from the woods.

      Turning around you could see them

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      Turning around you could see them. Their hunting trip must have been over and Otto looked very attractive. You licked your lips and blushed as he jumped down from his horse to place a kiss on your hand, "My lady; you're looking  lovely today." You blushed, "Otto.." He smiled before going inside to change. A little while later he came back out and took a seat next to you. The two of you talked about the hunt and spring he had found that he knew you would enjoy. The small gathering sat down to dinner and Otto stood up, "Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, I would like to bring to attention the fact that I have never been happier or more in love than when I met, (Y/N) about 1 year ago today. I have learned a great deal from her as she has from me. I look forward to seeing her brilliant smile and hearing her loving laugh all the days of my life." Your heart stopped. Everything slowed down to a stop. Otto was slowly bending down towards you, his hand holding something that sparkled. You could barely hear the words but you know what they were, "Will you marry me?" Gulping, trying to get some air into your lungs you managed to get out a barely audible, "Yes!" Otto smiled and pulled you into his arms after placing the ring on your finger, "Oh god, I was nervous!" You chuckled and teared up a bit as everyone congratulated the two of you. Liliane and her chauffeur left without saying goodbye.

     As you watched them walk away all those names  and things began to swirl in your head. You quietly walked away from everyone to stand by the lake; tears falling slowly at how mean someone could be. Otto came up slowly behind you, a small yellow flower in his hand, "Darling...what are you crying over?" He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. The two of you looked out at the lake together as you replied, "Am I too fat for you to stay loyal Liliane says. I really eat 12 meals a day. Im going to die soon...I sleep with everyone who will have me. I'm just a fat whore. I lie to you all the time...the awful things she spread around about do you really feel about all of this?" You pointed to you body to insinuate your meaning.

    Otto turned you around to wipe your tears away, "First of all, stop crying. There's no need for it." He spoke gently, "Second of all, we both know those rumors are untrue and spread out of jealousy and anger." He tilted your head up to look into your eyes, "As for you...I think you are beautiful. Inside and out. You are my day and night. My heart slows when you are gone to almost nothing and when you are next to me, I can barely contain it in its place. I love you! Deeply and truly." You started crying again, "I love you too!" He smiled down at you, placing a small kiss on your nose. He turned you back around, placing the small flower in your hair, "Why pay attention to the trivial thoughts of insignificant company? Just listen to your heart and to my love."

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