Chapter 7 - Looking in the dark

Começar do início

The next day, I was excitedly looking for him, finding out from his security that he was still in his room sleeping. I called for a room service and ordered his favourite breakfast meal, a Yorkshire tea and some medicine. And once it arrived, I pulled the food cart heading to his room and knocked the door. I was really nervous.
After a few seconds, the door opened. I could see he was still sleepy, his hair was everywhere, dark spots under his eyes, unshaved chin and completely a mess. When he saw me, he was surprised. We stayed there in our spots and just stared at each other for I didn’t know how long. I gave him a genuine smile and broke the awkward moment.
“Uhmm… G-Good morning. Can I… uhmm… come in?”
“S-sure! Of course…” He opened the door widely so the food cart could get in as well. I looked at him and realized he was just only wearing boxer shorts. His clothes were everywhere, canned of beers were scattered on the floor and TV was on in a full blast of volume.
I cleared my throat. “I brought you some f-food and a tea. And… uhmm… in case you’re not feeling well, I-I have some m-medicines here.” My heart beat so fast. I could feel my lips were shaking from smiling.
He gave me a confused look as his eyes went to the food cart checking on it. “Wow! Thank you. You don’t have to do this. But thanks. I appreciate it.” He smiled at me and picked the cup of tea and started sipping it. He grabbed a piece of croissant and took a bite. He went now on the couch sitting, gesturing his hand for me to take a seat as well. And so I did. I sat on the other side of the couch.
“How does it taste?” Silly Harry! What a silly question!
“It… uhmm… tastes like croissant, I guess.”
“Sure. Of course.”

I waited for him to finish as I kept on fixing my long curly hair, wiping my sweaty hands on my legs even if the room was cold and glancing at him while pretending I was watching the TV. Once, he was already finished eating and put his empty tea on the coffee table, he cleared his throat to get my attention making me looked at his direction and I noticed his eyes transcended through me. He was in a deep though as if he was studying and observing me.
I looked at him with a worried look trying to smile but I couldn’t because I was too scared of him. I was afraid that we ended up fighting and losing him again. And after two years of not talking to me anymore, maybe he realized that he might not love me anymore.
“Uhmm.. Lou… I just wanna say I’m sorry for—“
He interrupted me by hugging me tightly. I didn’t see that coming. And I returned back his hug. I missed him so much. I started crying and so was he. I rubbed his back and so did he. I felt him moving and breaking away from my hug.
We were now face to face as he cupped my face, wiped my tears, and stared at my eyes down to my lips and back to my eyes. I could feel he wanted to kiss me so I just smiled at him giving him a signal that it was okay. Then our lips connected gently, savouring that moment.
I felt his warm tears on my cheeks. Hopefully, it was tears of joy. And as our lips went apart. We both smiling and giggling. No more words to be spoken. We just looked at each other’s eyes as if we were having a conversation there. A mutual understanding. And we knew we were back together now.
“Have you eaten your breakfast?” He asked. How I missed that morning voice of him. So angelic.
I smiled at him shaking my head. “Not yet. I am too nervous to even eat.”
“What? Why?”
“I… I thought you hate me.”
“Sunshine, you know I can’t hate you, right?” He poked my dimples making me agree with what he said. “There’s more food in here. I can’t eat all of them. I think you ordered so much food.”
“Uhmm, they really are intended for us both.” I confessed.
“Let’s eat then!
“Yeah. Sure!”

While we were eating, I started laughing when he was making funny faces while he was chewing the sandwich. After that, we stayed in the couch, this time, we sat closer as his left hand and my right hand were intertwined and my head was on his shoulder. We watched E! News and Louis being Louis, he kept on making sassy comments from the show. But then, we paused for a moment when one of the hosts revealed a shocking news:
He immediately turned off the TV and looked at me.
“Is it true?” I asked. Tears were starting to form on my eyes.
“Haz, I love you more than anything in this world.” He answered me. He looked so scared and his hands were shaking when he reached out to me to try to hold my hands but I snapped him.
“Just answer me, Lou. Is it true? And don’t you ever lie to me. Tell me, is… is it true?”
He looked down, sighed and answered me. “Yes, yes it’s true. But that was just one time, Sunshine. I was completely drunk. I was so sad because of what’s happening to us.”
“Whoa! You’re blaming me for the mistake that you have done?! Seriously?!”
“No. What I am trying to say is…”
“I have enough of you, Lou. We’re done!”
“Haz, please! I’m so sorry! I love you!”

I stood up and walked away from him. When I was about to open the door, he hugged me so tightly behind me making his head pressed on my back. I took a deep breath. Without saying anything, I held his hands and forced it myself to escape from him. And when I did, I exited from his room and closed his door. I could hear him crying inside calling my name but my heart was already broken. He stabbed my heart for a thousand times and I couldn’t feel anything for him but betrayal and hatred.

We never spoke since then. 

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