Chapter 19: Hope After Devastation

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In the wasteland, Shawn drives the truck through the ruins, before finally stopping. Shawn and Kyle exit the front of the truck and sprint towards the back, where they open the back of the door to find Mark and Jenna tending to a dying Catherine. Kyle and Shawn climb onto the back of the truck and approach Catherine.

Jenna: C'mon...stay with me....just a little longer...

Catherine: (dying) Just a little longer....a little longer...

Kyle kneels and touches Catherine's shoulder.

Kyle: You're going to be okay, Catherine....Just hold on..

Catherine grabs Kyle's hand.

Catherine: Keep living....keep-

Jenna: C'mon! Catherine! Breathe! Catherine!

Catherine dies to her wounds, leaving Kyle, Shawn, Mark and Jenna saddened.

Mark: Now what?

Shawn: Now we go to war with Ryder....end this...

Jenna: It's four of us....against a whole goddamned's a suicide mission.

Shawn: Yeah, you're right....but she would've been aboard for it....

Kyle: It doesn't have to be just the four of us...

Mark: What do you mean?

Kyle: Midtown Manhattan....we have to convince them to help us.

Shawn: Um...Kyle, I'm a enemy of Midtown Manhattan... Nathan will be gunning at me the moment he sees me and not even James can protect me.

Kyle: I'll protect you. You saved my life......Shawn, Kronos has many soldiers and if we are going to win, we have to get ready....and it can't just be Midtown Manhattan....

Mark: Wait, you're talking about bringing in other people from what remains of the cities? They'll be more likely to kill us than help us!

Kyle: Not if we tell them that we're standing up to Kronos....not if-(straining)

Mark: You alright, man?

Kyle suddenly groans as the wound on his abdomen bleeds again, before he kneels as Shawn, Mark and Jenna tend to him.

Jenna: Kyle! Kyle!

Shawn: What's happening?!

Kyle: Fuck! (grunts)

Jenna: It's the regenerative gel! It's wearing off! If we're going to Vegas, we gotta go now!

Mark: What's the play, Shawn?

A moment.

Shawn: Fuck it! Jenna, you take him to the back! Make sure he lives! (to Mark) Mark, you're in the front with me!

Jenna takes Kyle to the back of the truck while Mark and Shawn get in the front of the truck as Shawn drives towards Midtown Manhattan. Jenna tends to Kyle.

Jenna: Hold on, lad. We're not losing you too.

In Midtown Manhattan, Alexandria is seen speaking with James, Cassandra, Mitchell, Sarah and Nathan.

Alexandria: We'll have guards at every single corner of Midtown Manhattan.....Billy and Shane included.... until we can rebuild our resources, no one gets in or out.....

Sarah: What about Kyle? He's still out there and he's still alive.

Alexandria: Then if Kronos really did take him, we have to accept the inevitable.

Sarah: Are you fucking kidding me?!

Nathan: Sarah, it's been a day.

Sarah: Exactly, a day. A goddamn day. He's still out there! He'd go out if it was any of us, without question.

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