[Jennie] Crossroads

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Imagine – Jennie


Jennie POV

The air began to run cold as I walked through the empty, nighttime streets of Seoul. I had a personal shoot for Channel that had ran fairly late. I had just hung up the phone with the other girls letting them know that I was on my way back to the dorm. Thankfully I was wearing a thicker jacket with my beanie and scarf. My hands were buried in my pockets to protect them from the icy air that seemed to get colder.

What on earth is going on? Why does it feel like it's getting colder and colder? I soon got the feeling of being watched or followed. I started looking around to see if I could find anyone actually following me but I didn't notice anyone. Once I turned around there was a woman with a red surgical mask. One that looked as though it had been over soaked with blood.

"Am I pretty?" Her voice came cold, dead, and shaky.

"Of course you are, ma'am. Are you okay? " I asked probably sounding a bit scared.

She ripped off her mask to reveal a mouth that was cut past the corners of her mouth, stretching from ear to ear. I felt a lump in my throat and my stomach dropped.

"Am I pretty!?" She asked again with slightly more force behind her words.

I was frozen in place. I had no idea what to say or if I should answer. Honestly, even if I knew what to say, I don't know if I could have mustered any noise. She raised her hand up, scissors held as though she was holding a knife.

"Am I pretty?" I heard a man's voice come from behind her.

She stopped and turned around and I heard a shotgun go off. The girl that was once there had seemingly evaporated and there was only a man holding a shotgun pointed to where her head would have been. I was so confused and scared I couldn't say anything.

"Let's go, we have to get out of here before she comes back." He said sternly as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me as we both ran, and as we ran I noticed a necklace that seemed to glow.

We got a few blocks away and she appeared again, but this time he didn't waste time and pointed his shotgun at her and quickly pulled the trigger. The gun went off and once again she evaporated. I noticed at this point we were heading for the cemetery. I could see two guys crawl out of a hole that looked like a grave they had just dug up. He let go of my hand and darted for what seemed like salt and lighter fluid.

"Get out, you two, now!" He said forcefully as the two guys ran from the cemetery as fast as they could.

"What the hell is going on!?" I asked, obviously sounding confused as he was pouring salt and lighter fluid over the body inside the casket he had just torn open.

"Am I pretty!?" I jumped and turned around to see the woman there, scissors raised and ready to stab me. The moment before they stabbed into me she caught fire and vanished.

"Later, bitch." The guy said, barely phased from the run and panic.

"What is going on!?" I asked, now more freaked out than before.

"That was a ghost. Korea's version of a lady in wight, basically." He explained as he calmly cleaned up his things.

"Why the hell did you drag me around, but tell them to leave!?" I retorted now more annoyed than anything. "Was I just bait!?"

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