[Rose, Lisa, Jisoo] Cold Guitarist 2

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Cold Guitarist 2

Rose, Lisa, Jisoo

Lisa POV

     It was early and I wanted to stop at the convenience store to get some doughnuts for breakfast for me and the girls as well as some coffee. I was looking through the selection of doughnuts they had in the small display trying to decide what ones to get when I noticed Y/n knelt down in front of the fridge that held the sodas. My cheeks blushed a little and a smile curled onto my lips and I walked over to greet him, hoping to make better progress than the other day.

     "Hey, Y/n." Still no response. "Why don't you get a soda and a doughnut, I'll pay."

     Just like the other say he didn't speak at all. He only grabbed a soda, got up, and walked away snagging a bag of chips on the way through the isle to pay. I sighed then rushed to get the doughnuts and coffee so I could walk with him. Good thing he was stuck in line, so I made it behind him as he was just up to pay. He quietly paid for it before I could move my things up so I could pay for both of our things. Instead of letting the guy ring up my items I threw more than enough money on the counter and told him to keep the change and ran out. I hope that was okay.

     I quickly ran out of the store and followed him. I knew he was going to work so it wasn't hard to catch up. When I did I smiled at him as genuinely as possible hoping to catch his attention but he just kept his head forward, taking a drink of the soda he had just bought. I just sighed and continued walking since I knew he was going into work.

     "Hey, I know you don't want to us to bother you, but please let one of us in." I said softly. "We just want to see you happy. I know it's weird since we just met the other day and we seem so invested, but you really left an impression on us. We've heard you use to be really sweet and caring, and the pictures we saw on your band mates profiles with you smiling and looking happy. You were so cute and we just want to light your life up again."

     As I expected he didn't respond at all. But we had arrived at the YG building, so I stopped talking and just made my way to the practice room to tell the other two what all had happened. We all sat around talking and eating our breakfast.

     "I will try on break." Rosie started, "I heard from Jon and Kristen that they take a lunch break around the same time we do, and he always goes to the cafe that serves small fried side dishes."

     "Good luck." Jisoo said visibly saddened.

     "Awe you really like him, don't you, Jisoo?" Jennie asked. "Honestly, I don't really see what you see in him. He seems stuck up."

     "Remember when I told you I kissed him?" She continued. "Well, I felt something. Like, if I kept going I maybe could have broken through to him. I just want to see him happy."

     Jisoo curled up and put her chin on her knees and sighed. Rose rubbed her back in comfort and smiled weakly over to her.

     "After we practice a bit I will try, the cafe is just across the street." She said trying to comfort her more.

Rose POV

     We finished up our morning practice and we were a little late going to lunch. I quickly threw on my hoodie and grabbed my purse as I nearly ran out of the practice room. It took no time at all to get to the cafe. When I entered it I instantly found him sitting by himself in the back, so I made my way to him and sat across from him. I got stares from some of the people that were in there already, though there weren't many.

     Without moving his head he directed his eyes to me and I smiled at him.

     "Hey." I said softly enough so that only he could hear. "Cheese sticks? Mind if I have one?"

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