[Jennie] Ashes

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The diamond reflected light into my face as my head rested on my arms, my eyes blankly transfixed on the stone. I heaved a sigh and closed the box then burying my face in my arms.

It's been nearly four months since you disappeared. Wish you would have said something instead of up and leaving like that... I thought things were going great, we laughed, we got a long, there was never a fight. Just the night before we told each other just how happy we were together. So... that was a lie, then? You didn't even respond to my calls or texts when I was worried sick about you... I've sent you two texts a day since then and called once a day. The texts were only good morning and goodnight texts, and the call just once in the middle of the day, hoping that one would get some kind of answer.

I saw you on tv in an interview about a week after that, though. My soul shattered then. You looked happy. Not just fake happy for tv, I mean you looked happy for real. I guess you're better off without me, after all. Man, I can't even cry anymore... I let all my tears out when I saw you with him. I don't know his name, or have any vague idea who he was but I didn't, and still don't, care. That was all the confirmation I needed. Three years and all I have to show for it is a ring I was stupid enough to think I'd get to put on your finger. I'm pathetic.

Then again who am I to think I have a chance with an idol... I sat up and let my head hang backwards over the chair, hands over my face. I'm so... numb...

I left more than enough money to pay for my meal on the table as I got up and left the small restaurant. It's raining again. That's all it's been lately is cold and rainy. It's like the weather has been reflecting what goes on in my head as of recent.

The rain picked up more and I began putting one foot in front of the other pacing myself to my next destination. My legs seem to move on their own as if they were aware of what my plans were.

I have to make up for whatever I did to Jennie. I have to make things better. I have to make her happy again. I miss that smile. I miss the way you leaned into me when you laughed. The way you use to tell me you love me. The good morning and good night texts. The way your hair smelled when you buried yourself into my firm like two puzzle pieces that perfectly sat next to each other. The way your touch made my heart race. The way you looked at me while we drifted to sleep as I stroked your hair.

The bridge came into site and I made my way down under it. Upon reaching the small ledge I came face to face with a man that I had set a meeting with. After the exchange he left and I sat on the ground looking at the paper bag I had just received, feeling nothing.

Jennie POV

The rain beat down on me as I rushed to Y/n's door, tears flowing from my eyes. Please, Y/n, please be home. I knocked on the door sternly. When I got no answer I knocked even harder. Still no answer. After knocking on the door for nearly ten minutes I started racking my brain to try and remember the pass code for the door. I finally remembered and put it in hoping he hadn't gotten it changed. I took a breath of relief when it beeped letting me know that the code had unlocked it. I pushed through the door, finding myself in the living area.

"Y/n!?" I screamed with the tears still flowing from my eyes. "Y/n please tell me you're here!"

I know something isn't right because his cars sitting outside and you can hear the door being knocked on from the bathroom as the window is right by the door. I looked around as I walked through the living area noticing how clean it was. He never paid this much attention to cleaning while we dated. There wasn't a single cushion out of place, no dust, no empty cup on the coffee table. Entering the kitchen there was no dishes in the sink or on the counter. I began openly sobbing when I looked in the trashcan to see nothing but beer cans. I quickly turned to go to his room and rushed into it. He wasn't there. Somethings wrong, really wrong.

My eye caught something laying on the bed, it was an envelope. It had my name and address on the front. I picked it up and turned it over to see 'When found, please mail. Important'. My chest tightened and my heart dropped. My hands began shaking and I collapsed to the floor, my back now against the bed. I hesitated for a moment and slowly opened the envelope. Inside was a sheet of paper. I took it out, unfolded it, and began reading.

Hey, Jennie, if you're reading this I want to apologize for whatever I did to you. I didn't know I was hurting you enough for you to leave me like that. I guess if nothing then your fans, friends, and bosses probably talked some sense into you. Stupid failure like me doesn't deserve a beautiful idol like you. You deserve someone who's actually done something with their lief. I haven't stopped thinking about you for a moment since then, well, more like since the day I met you. You're literally the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You're perfect Jennie. By the time you're reading this I will have already taken care of the problem. Don't worry, I won't be a burden on your career anymore. I love you princess... forever.

Love, Y/n                          

~Later That Night 4 A.M.~

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing else we can do." The doctor explained as I collapsed into Jisoo beginning to sob. "We tried everything we could but we were too late. You were the only one on his forms and paperwork that we could contact. We found enough drugs in his system to kill a horse twice over. I'm sorry, you can go see him before we take him down to be prepared for cremation. Do you know of any family that we can deliver the ashes to?"

I took a moment to calm down enough to speak. "No, just give it to me, I will take care of him." I walked past the doctor into his room and sat down beside him and grabbed his hand.

"Listen, please, Y/n" I started tears flowing again. "I made a mistake. A huge mistake. I cheated when you were the best person to have ever came into my life. I couldn't bring myself to break up with you and I got up and left while you slept. I hurt you and you didn't deserve it. He broke my heart and I realized how stupid I was. I thought about you the entire time and you always made me smile when he was hurting me. You got me through everything and I was too stupid to realize I belonged with you. I was stupid, and now I lost you..."


It's been a couple years since I lost him, I had them put some of his ashes into a small vial that went on a necklace, I made sure I paid good money so I would never break it on accident. I haven't taken it off sense. I always kiss the jar that holds his ashes and I make sure to tell him I love him. No, I'm not over him, I don't think I ever will be. All I do now is work, spend time with my members, or stay home. I lost him because I was stupid and careless...

"I miss you, Y/n. More than anything..." I said to myself, curling into a ball and crying into my knees. 

I feel like you guys see my updates and go "Great how do I die this time" lol. Thanks for reading guys, you're awesome! Again, still looking for help naming my Lisa book if anyone is interested in helping. Have a good day or night guys!

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Stay you. Stay Smiling. Stay Awesome.

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