[Jisoo] For Better Or Worse

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For Better Or Worse

Requested by: lolyolo1012121314

Jisoo POV

"Congratulations! A boy and a girl!" The doctor said as he brought my babies around so that I can see them. I looked up at Y/n and he smiled and kissed me softly.

"Those are our babies, Chubear..." He said softly as we admired our newborn children.

It's been two years since Blackpink disbanded, and about five years since me and Y/n got together. We've been married for three years. After holding them for a moment they were taken to be looked after.

Everything was going well we were happily talking until his phone rang. I watch his face contort from the bright, beautiful smile he had to a pained, saddened frown as he listened to the person on the other end.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked cupping his cheek.

"my parents were hit by a drunk driver... they died on the scene of the accident." He said seemingly trying to gather himself. "They were on the way here."

"Oh my god, baby, I'm so sorry." I began to get up but he put his hands on my shoulders making me lay back and rest.

"Don't get up, princess. I'll be okay." He said sweetly.


Things started falling apart about a year after the kids were born. Y/n was having a hard time handling the loss of his family, and it killed me to see him so hurt. He was still an amazing father. Although after a while he began drinking more and distancing himself from us. He seemed more and more bothered. I tried everything I could to help him feel better. I tried talking, cooking his favorite foods, I got my parents to babysit the kids so we could have a date night and a whole night to ourselves. I did everything but it didn't seem to be enough. After a while I decided I couldn't keep doing it, so I took the kids to my parents and stayed there. I left him a note explaining my feelings and why I took the kids to my parents. I didn't want to do it, but he wouldn't talk to me anymore. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong, and the nights got later and later, sometimes he wouldn't even home until the next day.

When he started spending more time out I began getting more and more worried about him, and I would cry more after getting the kids in bed to sleep.. He's never been like this. He was never a big drinker either but he smelled strongly of alcohol every time he came home.


I got home, staggering after a night binge drinking again, attempting to drown the pain that keeps welling up. I noticed the door was locked, which confused me, is Jisoo not home? I fumble my keys around getting the proper one to unlock the door and I stagger in. Looking around I saw no one around. The kids toys nowhere to be seen. Making my way to the kitchen, where I noticed a sheet of paper with something written on it. I pick it up and see Jisoo's handwriting.


Listen, I didn't want to have to do this. You're out of control, we rarely see you anymore, and you always smell like alcohol. We miss and need you, I miss and need you. Please, straighten yourself out and come see me. I don't want to lose our marriage. Please get yourself straight and come talk to me.

Your princess,


What have I done? I let my loss take over me and pushed away the people who could help me and be there for me.

Jisoo POV

I'm starting to worry. It's been nearly a week since I got to my parents house and haven't heard from Y/n. A few tears escaped my eyes when my mother laid a plate with lunch on it in front of me.

"Don't worry, Jisoo, dear." She said as she sat next to me. "Y/n is a great guy, he'll come around. Sometimes things like these blind you and you can't see the people around you."

The day went by uneventful, I mainly played with the kids while my mom cooked for dinner. As plates were being set up the doorbell rang. Since my mom was busy I decided to answer the door. "I got it mom."

I stood up from the floor as I let the twins know that I would be back and walked to the door. Opening it, I saw the only person I wanted to see. I jumped into Y/n's with tears in my eyes.

"Jisoo, I'm so sorry..." He said as he held me tightly and I bawled into his chest.

"Stop calling me Jisoo..." I cried.

"I'm sorry Chubear..." He chuckled out. "I shouldn't have pushed you away. I'm sorry it took so long but I wanted straighten up a little. I haven't drank any alcohol this week. I need to be a better parent and husband. I'm sorry I love you and the twins so much."

"We love you too, baby, and we missed you." I said pulling away from him and kissing him. "Come on, dinner should be done."

I hugged his arm and we walked into the house. He pulled away from me and ran to our twins, hugging and kissing them. I noticed my mom walk next to me.

"I told you he would be back soon, and he looks better than how you described him." She said rubbing my back. "Dinner's done, Y/n, grab the twins and come eat. I made plenty enough for everyone."

I was so happy. Y/n came back and we all ate dinner together. My parents watched the twins so we could talk in private about everything. He let everything out. Telling me how he felt and how much he missed his parents. He cried and I comforted him. After cuddling and letting him get out his emotions we gathered the kids and said goodbye to my parents. My mom hugged him and gave him some words of encouragement along with my father. They assured him that everything would be fine and they were there for him if he would ever need a parental figure.

We made it home and he put the twins to bed and joined me in bed. I kissed him passionately, giving him as much love as I could. I meant it baby. I meant my vows. No matter what, please remember, I will be here for you, for better or worse.

Hey guys, quick imagine here requested by lolyolo1012121314, hope you enjoyed it!

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Stay you. Stay Smiling. Stay Awesome.

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