[Rose, Lisa, Jisoo] Cold Guitarist

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One Shot: Rose, Lisa, Jisoo

Cold Guitarist

Narrator POV

     His fingers glided over the fretboard as he hit each note with precision and skill. His face was stoic and unmoved as if playing at this high a level was second nature. The solo ripped through the air as YG's first metal band practiced in the room with the eyes of Blackpink watching as they rested from their own practice. They were told they could relax and watch the new group practice to see how Yg had planned to branch out to a more western audience.

     "Wow, this is really intense." Lisa said to Rose who was infatuated by the skill of the guitarist.

     "You're not kidding." Jisoo responded.

     "He's so good." Rose said, her mouth hung open.

     The song moved from the ripping solo to a thundering breakdown with the vocalist screaming over the music. The meaning of every lyric hammered into the chest of anyone listening. The emotion poured from the screaming vocals, as well as the clean, melodic vocal coming from the guitarist that previously played the solo.

     "His voice is so nice." Rose said in awe, blushing and covering her mouth with her hand.

     "He's so confident, and passionate." Jisoo added.

     "The lyrics are so mature and he sings them with so much emotion." Lisa also added.

     The song rang out and eventually came to a stop. The three girls figured they were finished practicing as they began talking among each other and the guitarist they admired cleaned up his things. As he laid his guitar in the case and closed the lid Rose ran up to him and noticed his empty expression. Jisoo and Lisa walking over to talk with the rest of the band, interested in the music they played. Jennie left as she had a separate schedule.

Rose POV

     "Hey, you sounded great!" I said enthusiastically and waited for a response that never came. "Erm, my name is Park Chaeyoung, you can call me Rose, or Rosie."

     I waited again for a response but he only closed the clasps on the guitar case, picked it up by the handle, and walked toward the door without saying a word. My face twisted into hurt and confusion, not understanding why he acted like I didn't even exist.

     "Don't let it get to you." A voice came from behind me, I turned around as the bassist packed away his bass. "He doesn't talk anymore. My name's Jon, I heard yours is Rose."

     "Wait, like he's mute?" I asked, furrowing my brow.

     "No, he's not mute." The bassist responded solemnly. "He's had a pretty bad life. We actually moved here from the states after talking to Yg and being offered a contract. He was engaged and seven years into a relationship and then found out she was cheating. That was a year ago. Kind of just broke him. He hasn't said a word to anyone of us since then. He still shows up and practices, though. Hist texts are normally just one word or less."

     My face turned to a pained, and sad expression as tears began to fill in my eyes. "That's so terrible."

     "Yeah, that's why his expression never really changes much past empty. Like his soul's been sucked out of him." He continued. "His name's Y/n, by the way. Good luck getting to him."

     "What's the matter Rosie?" Lisa came up from behind me.

Narrator POV

     Rose explained everything that Jon had told her about Y/n after Jisoo joined them. She had a hard time getting it out and teared up a few times. Jisoo and Lisa's faces contorted into a saddened expression hearing what she was saying.

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