[Rose] Forever Yours

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One Shot

Requested by: VictoriaHernandez035

Narrator POV

Rose sat quietly with her arms crossed and face contorted into an uneasy expression. She was glaring daggers at Y/n and Lisa who were practicing for a new promotion for YGX Academy. It was a fairly intimate hip hop style dance where the two were often close and touchy.

Rose POV

Why do they have to be so close? I hate watching Y/n with other girls.... he's mine! They way they're dancing you'd think they Y/n was dating Lisa and not me. Though I really can't stop him if he wants to be with her instead of me. I wiped the tear that formed in the corner of my eye from the thought of Y/n leaving me for Lisa. After all, me and him met at a practice singing together. Maybe Lisa would be a better match for him...


The music stopped and me and Lisa were breathing heavy after the intense dance. I walked over to the table grabbing the two bottles of water that laid there and threw one to Lisa. We both opened the bottles and began drinking. I wiped my mouth finally able to catch my breath.

"That looked great you two, I think you can safely call it a day." The choreographer said as he gave us the thumbs up.

I double checked to make sure I had everything I had brought with me today in my bag to get ready to leave. "You ready, Chipmunk?" I looked over at Rose who had just stood up and walked over to the door.

I just smiled, chuckled, and followed her out. I caught up to her and smiled at her until she noticed.

"What?" She asked with obvious annoyance in her voice.

"You know jealousy looks pretty cute on you." I said smiling more deviously.

"As if!" She stopped and pouted. "If you wanna date Lisa, then go ahead! I don't control you!"

"Well, before I take Lisa out on a date, I have a very special date with you tonight." I said in my joking voice. "Besides, you promised you wouldn't cancel for anything."

"Whatever, let's just go and get back." She was still really annoyed, but I had a feeling that would change soon.

On the way to the destination Rose made sure to remind me about the "overly sexual dance" me and Lisa had to practice and how much she bet I liked it. Of course pouting the whole way. Every time he would talk about it I would just laugh.

"Keep laughing! I'm suppose to be your girlfriend, you know!" She pouted even further.

"Princess, I needed the money from this buy something really special, I'm sorry." It was hard to keep a straight face because of how cute she was when she was mad.

"What would that be? More games? More of those stupid books you always read?" She said glaring at me angrily.

"Do you even remember what today is?" I started laughing a bit harder as I glanced over at her.

"The day you finally put moves on Lisa?" She said spitefully as I pulled into the restaurant.

"February, eleventh." I said looking at her as her face went red. "Your birthday."

"At least you remembered that much." She got out and slammed the door leaving me laughing.

We were shown to our seats and we ate in silence. I tried to bring up conversation a few times but she ignored me. At least until we were done eating and the cake came out with one of those cheesy happy birthday rings on top. No, the restaurant didn't have them, I bought it and brought it in the day before.

"Thanks," she said almost sarcastically as I grabbed the plastic ring from her hand and came around the table and knelt on one knee.

"Listen, I know you're feeling jealous but it won't be long until we film the promotion then I won't have to do the dance with her anymore. And I do remember this is our third year anniversary. Princess, you know I love you more than anything and anyone. My life has been worlds better since you came into it. Will you marry me?" She rolled her eyes as I held the plastic ring out to her.

"You being cheesy won't get you out of this, you took the position knowing exactly what you would have to do. I know because Lisa was shown the dance first." She said still mad. "Besides that crappy ring won't fit on my finger. Let's go, I think you've embarrassed me enough being stupid and cheesy. I'm not in the mood for it.

I caught her before she could take off, still knelt down. "You're right, you're right. This ring won't fit." I sat the plastic ring on the table and pulled a box out from my pocket. "But this one should. I took on the extra work to make this happen. Will you light up the rest of my life like you have the past three years? Park Chaeyoung, I'm forever yours., marry me?" I opened the box revealing a beautiful diamond engagement ring.

Her face went red with her hands clasped over her mouth and she started crying. She began nodding her head and held out her left hand as I slid the ring onto her finger. She wrapped her arms around my neck, locking her lips with mine and holding me tightly, I returned the gesture.

"Baby, I'm so sorry!" She cried. "I was being so mean all day over something so stupid... I knew you loved me I was just being stupid. I love you!"

"Happy birthday, princess." I said as I held her tightly.

"This is the birthday I'll remember forever...." She said still crying. " I promise, baby, I'm forever yours..."

Just a short one shot for you guys that was requested (tagged above). I hope you guys enjoyed it! I got through the whole thing and didn't kill anyone. That's a good, right? I did a good? lol. Anyway thank you for the read guys!

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Stay you. Stay Smiling. Stay Awesome.

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