District 7 Male Tribute: missflutegirl --DEAD--

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Name: Matt

Age: 13 and a half.

Lookalike: N/A

Physical description: has brown short cut hair and blue eyes. Always wears black cause he thinks he won't stand out in it.

Gender: male


Usefull traits: people under estimate his camouflage skills and his London distance weapons.

Weapon of choice: a crossbow that shrinks down to pocket size and back to normal in a second.

Job: he helped pick fruit so knows what you can and can't eat.

Environment: he likes the opposite of Jess his other tribute and prefers the dessert where everyone is on the same playing field.

Activity: working with his father to make weapons out of everyday objects you might find.

District token: a tiny glass bottle on a necklace filled with a cordial that will heal wounds.

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