Interview: Gingko (District 7)

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I sat down on the leather seat; I look at the host, Brielle, with bitterness and curiosity.

"Well, tell us, Ginkgo. Besides your peculiar name, why are you going to win?" I hear her voice break those few seconds of silence.

"Let me tell you. Do I plan on winning? I plan on surviving. Winning is second. I'm willing to fight out, tooth and nail for survival. But I know this. Everyone's not going to make it. I don't plan on dying either. There's a saying of the loggers of the 7th."

I pause for a bit and gave a slight grin, reminiscing everything my dad told me.

"Well really, what my dad always told me, as a logger. We're all loggers. We're hardened from the rain and snow of the valleys. Toughened by sweat, blood and tears, and forged with suffering and hard work like our tools. When it is our time to hang our helmets for the last time, you can be sure, we leave with dignity, and we don't plan on leaving the last trees of our last day of work standing."

I paused again.

"Ma, I know you're watching. There's a lot I could say now. Besides the fact we're out of oil, and I was willing to put my name in for Jackson. They say they give us an extra cup of oil for the winter for every time I put my name in. I guess Ma; we'll get ourselves two gallons worth this time.

And Ma, I love her. I know I should focus on work. Not think about it until dad's work is done. But Ma, I love her and I'm going to do everything in my power to not let her die here. Even if it means I'm going to, I know I'll give her another day. And that is worth fighting for. Dad, if I go down in the Games; I know I was never the man you wanted me to be when I became a craftsman, and I let you down. But I'm not going to let you down, not now, and not anymore. I'll live Dad, and make you proud, make 7th proud, and I'll come back."

I lifted the gesture of the loggers, the sign of the brotherhood of the loggers, a hooked index finger crossing a straight index finger at the camera, before walking off the stage. 

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