Finals: Elena

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"So we have five bottles of water left, I think we did pretty well."

"Yeah," Angel said softly every once in a while glancing back to see if Markie was watching us.

"You two have something special you know that right," I whispered causing her to look over at me in shock. Yep I guessed right...

She was about to reply  when Markie spoke up scaring us both a little. Hopefully he didn't hear  what we were talking about that would be a little embarrassing for  Angel.

"Girls were are we?" Markie questioned, walking over to us.

"I think we are in  Atlantis," Angel said before I could open my mouth. I glanced up at  Markie who was eyeing her with admiration. Angel seemed to be doing the  same... Only if Tristen didn't turn out to be a backstabber maybe we would  have had something like these two. Only Markie and Angel weren't  admitting anything at the moment.

"Yeah I think we are too."

"Well all we have to do  is get somewhere safe and hold out till then. I am pretty sure the  others are going to go on a killing rampage just so they will win,"  Markie began pointing to a hole and began to guide us to it. "Now I want  you both to know that I will not be going home, I am going to die I  know for a fact because I made a promise to myself that I would get you  two all the way to safety and winners."

Me and Angel looked at  each other with hurt expressions, Angel a little more hurt then mine.  Markie turned and left us in the back of our hideout, he seemed just as  hurt about it as we were. Maybe there was something I could do to get  them together. I mean I couldn't live with the fact that I killed others  for the rest of my life. That's it I will get them together even if  that means me dying, with that I fell asleep next to Angel.

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