Interview: Mark (District 1)

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"So, how did you feel when your name was called at the Reaping?" Brielle asks. The entire audience is silent, and the bright lights are blinding me.

"Well?" she asks again.

"Uh..." crap I need to say something better, I beat down on myself as the audience laughs. "I, uh, I didn't even know my name was called. I was talking with my friend Raylin when her eyes got wide and mouthed 'I'm sorry'. I was pushed up onto the stage, and then my hearing came back into focus to hear Raylin called. I freaked out and begged any of the other girls to volunteer because I didn't want her to go with me."

"Do you like her?" Brielle takes a different corse.

"No, she's just my best friend, but I love her like a sister and would do anything to keep her safe."

"Alright! Now that was..." her voice gets quieter as I go into a trance from the lights and walk back to backstage.

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