Interview: Chubb (District 4)

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I give Bo a small and  encouraging smile as she heads up the stairs to the stage, and the crowd  roars its approval once she reaches it. Leaving me down here with my  fear. I could tell that the interview had started because silence now  emanated from the crowd. 3 minutes. I have 3 minutes before I have to  face that screaming horde of savages, who in a few weeks, will be baying  for my blood. The thought of it is terrifying, all I want to do is run.

But I have to do well  now. I have to seem to be smart, funny, charming, I have to seem like a  winner. They can't find out that I'm really just a scared little boy. I  have to impress them, get some sponsors. Not for me, not for my sake,  the glory is unimportant, and sure I want to live, but who in this  competition doesn't? That doesn't give me a right to kill them. But I  need to get back to my sister.

I raise my hand to my  lip to bite my beautifully manicured nails, but catch myself in time to  save it. Everything has to be perfect. Instead I hold my breath to help  calm myself. 1 minute left.

If I die who will look  after little Marina? Certainly not our father. He might have been good  before- my token's proof of that- but now, well, my dad isn't so much my  dad as a bottle of whiskey with a mouth... and a fist... and no job.  He'll hurt her, then she'll starve, and it'll all be my fault for not  winning. I can't and won't let that happen. My fist clenches in  determination, I will kill for her.

Then the buzzer goes off  and I jump up like a jittery rabbit, terrified. As I walk towards the  stairs I remove the shakes in my hands with thoughts of Marina, she  makes me brave enough to do this. I will win this for her sake, at any  cost. With these thoughts I prepare to sell out my beliefs in this  interview in return for sponsors

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