District 13 Female Tribute: Claire585 --DEAD--

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Name: Claire

Age: 16

District: 13

Celebrity look-alike: Mila Kunis

Small physical  description: About 5'7'' with shoulder length dark brown hair, light  olive skin and blue eyes. Very thin, what lacks in physical strength  makes up in agility.

Traits that could be  useful in the arena: Sharp shooter with a good eye for detail. Has  amazing hearing and is extremely fast and handy with melee weapons not  to mention her small frame allows her to blend, leaving her unnoticed.

Weapon of choice: Ghillie suit and Kukri machete

Job: None, because she suffers from lethargy.

Favorite Environment: Swamp.

Favorite Activity: Eating beef jerky and shooting birds.

District token: A silver pocket watch with a full moon engraved into it. It's at a standstill time; 9:45 pm.

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