Semi-Finals: Answers

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Vulpes's POV

The cars were there one minute, and they were gone the next. Had there not been enough for me? Apparently not, because I sat here alone, with only Will by my side. Which was fine actually. "Master!" he started, "I'm almost done adding the wings to the Orlando as you requested."

I smiled, did the Capitol really think they could leave me behind? Tough luck, I wouldn't let that happen anytime soon. We got on the boat, as it flew up. "Will, you are amazing." I complimented my slave ;)

"I know." He said, and we laughed, as our boat flew over everybody and brought me closer to winning these games.


Aubry's POV

On the boat I wake up and find Jace and True looking over the edge with black round things to their faces.

"True? Jace? What's going on?" I ask.

"Aubry! You're up. The boat is taking us to land. I can't believe we are finally going to be out of that frozen wasteland." True says, looking back through the binocliers I have finally identified.

"Can I look?" I ask, and some ship person brings me my own pair. Looking through them I see grass, but beyond that it looks like gray. My mind goes back home where the small lake in a clearing of the woods looks like the same gray when I'm far enough away.

"What is that stuff?"

"I think its concrete, but don't quote me because I may be wrong," Jace says.

When we get to land I step out, and almost fall, but I catch myself in a clumsy motion, and I giggle at my unnatural clumsiness. I look at True and Jace and I can tell they're trying not to laugh at me. When I've gained my balance again I walk across the grass and see that the gray stuff is in fact concrete. I step out and do a big once over. I follow the path, and it goes in an oval, race track pops into my head. I find cars and their drivers at pit road and I sprint as fast as I can there. On my way I see a gold door, and I veer off towards it. When I get about 100 yards from it, it backs up, I take off running again toward the door, and the same thing happens. I realize that if I want out, I'm going to have to drive, which is bad for a 12 year old girl who knows nothing about cars.

I get to the pit stops, and I look at the cars, a red one with the number 24 on it (Jeff Gordan for all you racing fans) a blue car with 48 (Jimmy Johnson) and my favorite a green car with the number 88 on it (Dale Earnhardt Jr.! My favorite driver). I chose the green car obviously, and I rush to it. Inside its black, and a mesh piece of fabric covers the driver's window. There's now passenger seat and no back seat. The car is running and looks to be ready to drive. I look around and a man with darkish brown hair and who's tall is coming at me.

"What are you doing?" his deep voice startles me and the sharpness puts me on edge.

I smile and say, "I'm just looking at your car, I love it. It's really nice, but I'm going to ask you a huge favor."


"Can I borrow it? I'm in a type of race, and if I don't get out of here soon, I'll lose, and you'll never, ever see me again."

"Are you in the Writer Games?"

"Yes, I am."

"Take it, please, crew, get it ready to go for the girl, she has a race to win!"

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