District 5 Male Tribute: AlwaysInADream --SEMI-FINALIST--

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Name: Jace

Age: 17

District: Five

Celebrity Lookalike:

Small Physical Description: Dark brown hair that is just long enough to lay flat on his, normally just run through with a handblue eyes, 6 foot 5 inches, skinny, well muscled, broad shoulders, pale

Traits: Expert in martial arts, nimble, expert at a bow and arrow, athletic, people person (good for making allies) loyal

Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow, crafted specially to him

Job: Martial arts teacher, Rea's teacher

Favorite Environment: The woods

Favorite Activity: being with his best friend Rea and helping her practice

District Token: A knife hilt, he uses it as a place to put medicine, given to him by Rea

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