Semi-Finals: Answers

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Eric's POV

It is just JoJo and I.  The last two of our alliance. 

In a way, that  realization makes me extremely upset.  But, then again, it is a game.   But those people were my friends.  I had a relationship with them.  And  now they are gone.  Just like that. 

I sigh as JoJo and I continue walking through the desert.  We are tired, hungry, and most of all, thirsty. 

We do not speak.   Silence maneuvers between us, almost choking me.  Soon the sun begins  its glorious dip behind the faraway mountains.  As night swallows day, I  see something peculiar in the distance.  A race track.  In a desert? 

JoJo and I, despite  being mentally and physically beat, sprint to our salvation.  We arrive  at the race track and notice a bright door on the other side.  A warm  breeze blows sand in my eyes, so I could be mistaken, but every time we  near the door, it gets further away. 

I turn to JoJo, who just shrugs.  Our eyes skim the track, until mine land on a man, sitting in a car, smoking a cigar. 

So, we have a race track in the middle of the desert, a man smoking a cigar, and a bright, magical doorway. 

I must be dreaming. 

But then I understand.

To get through the door,  you have to drive the car ,because race cars are one of the fastest  moving vehicles on the planet.  It only makes sense.  I explain my  discovery to JoJo, and he agrees.  We devise a plan.  An evil plan, if I  do say so myself. 

I begin walking away  from my ally, around to the front of the car.  In those movies, when you  have the guys trying to steal something or sneak by someone, they  almost always use a distraction.  The distraction is usually the not so  smart character that agrees to be the distraction.  I'm the  distraction. 

I hop around in front of  the smoking man, but his shaded eyes stay focused passed my head.  I  turn around and see...nothing.  Obviously nothing is going to be there.   What more can the Gamemakers do? 

I move closer to the  man, then he notices me.  But JoJo is two steps ahead of him.  JoJo  pulls out his slingshot, similar to mine, and shoots rocks at the  defenseless man's head.  

He is knocked out. 

I give JoJo a high-five  and let him be the driver.  Besides, he did knock the original driver  out cold.  JoJo revs the engine, steps on the gas pedal, and we speed  off down the track.  He does a couple of loops, just for fun, before  shooting through the doorway.  The other-side is


Joey's POV

I'm alive. To much doubt  the cobra spared me. And so did the gamekeepers. Despite my unexpected  outburst, I was also saved from the heat and difficulties of the desert.  I was at a racetrack. And I saw a shining door, it seems so close. I  went towards it. And no matter what it went further. And further. I saw  pitstops with cars. Of all amazing colours. I saw one a bright red one  with a yellow and blue stripe. I had a small toy car with those colours.  I used to just roll it across the floor. I spent hours doing it. Yuki  was usually there, reading or watching intently. After she died I never  used the car. But now I will, but I will actually be inside the car. I  used to look through the tiny plastic windows pretend I was actually in  the car. Driving at high speeds. So I soon found my self running towards  the car. As I went through the red door the interior was just like the  toy car. I held onto the steering wheel. And sat on the comfy leather  chair. I wish I could freeze this moment and live in it forever. But I  can't give up, so I knew what I had to do. Drive to the door. I felt I  had time so against my better judgment I had a quick look round the cars  interior. How I wished I had my toy car now. But I have Yuki's clip. I  felt this car was out here for me, I thought that the second I saw it.  And now I knew. Underneath the back seat there it was. My toy car. It  was the same one. With a small scratch just over the front left wheel.  Maybe all the other tributes got a surprise. But this was amazing. My  toy car, it was a dream come true. Holding the car and the clip in my  hand. I drove towards the door. Then I was covered in a veil of light...

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